
  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 233:09:46
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StarLady uses Evolutionary Astrology to forecast on the New Moon and Full Moon of each month. These forecasts will involve the current transits of planets and signs. StarLady nourishes the Soul and rekindles your Spirit.


  • Forecast for Dec.14-28, 2020

    16/12/2020 Duración: 39min

    We now move forward by addressing the past as south node eclipse season in Sagittarius demands freedom from those shackles and ghosts we no longer need. Ahas abound. Mercury conjunct the south node square Neptune @ 18* Pisces challenging us to move beyond confusion and inaction reminding us we indeed do not know it all. Chiron assists by going direct motion @ 5* Aries. All in all, we also have five planets changing signs adding spice to the stew. The grand Aquarian conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn happens on the winter solstice. Saturn resides there until March of 2023 and Jupiter spends all of 2021 in Aquarius ushering in a new 20-year cycle of these two social planets into the Airy realm of Aquarius, Gemini, Libra where they will also conjoin in each sign until 2041. Incessant materialism gives way to ideas and concepts for the next couple of decades. We may experience additional atmospheric shocks such as more wildfires, tornadoes and fast-moving weather systems. The Sun in Capricorn mantra: "I achieve my

  • Forecast for Nov.30 - Dec.13, 2020

    30/11/2020 Duración: 31min

    The south node Lunar Eclipse @ 9* Gemini-Sag challenges us to look at things differently, or at least, from another perspective. Just happens to coincide with Neptune direct opening things up to your wider and quieter side. One may experience cycles of confusion and clarity, but allowing the right brain communications to whisper loudly to you now will bring the most inner peace. The Sun in Sagittarius mantra: "I understand the relativity of truth with others" This big Earth School Lesson is one of larger and larger understandings gleaned from the diversity of mindsets and beliefs. Finding common ground reveals Universal truth. Those epiphanies are best revealed on or about the 23* Solar Eclipse on Dec. 14th. The night sky is alive with the tight Capricorn stellium followed by Mars in Aries. Buckle your seat belts for the Wild Ride of 2020 to take new and surprising turns. The Aquarian goal now becomes to De-Condition, Objectify and Liberate on this innovative and enlightening journey to the core of the S

  • Forecast for Nov. 13-28, 2020

    13/11/2020 Duración: 34min

    The Full Moon in Scorpio will test personal relationships as we get to our emotional bottomlines more quickly now. Mercury is there and Venus in late Libra will soon follow after making last quarter squares to the Capricorn stellium. Work on your listening skills and find common ground. This is an opportunity for new choice points in creating our reality within our family, pods, and work environments. Venus will enter Scorpio Nov. 21 - Dec. 15. Mars direct Nov. 13th @ 15* Aries brings new emerging desires into focus and real momentum personally and collectively. Of course, Mars' third passage of waxing squares to the stellium in mid-January and Mars' tense aspects to the U.S. Mercury Pluto opposition will stoke impulsive actions that could backfire. Be intentional with planned actions based upon your new level of emotional well-being. Mercury's third opposition to Uranus in Taurus is your emotional security check point to strengthen and bolster your sense of self. The Sun in Sagittarius mantra is: "I understa

  • Forecast for Oct. 31 - Nov. 13, 2020

    30/10/2020 Duración: 32min

    The cross quarter time of All Hallows Eve is upon us with the Full Moon in Taurus @ 9* Taurus-Scorpio amplifying our souls and pscyhe. The corresponding and sometimes unwelcome growth opportunities abound with themes of death and re-birth, corrupt power and manipulations, and alchemy and metamorphosis. Indeed the Scorpio mantra is: "I metamorphose myself with evolving self-reliance" How are you finding new levels of self-sustenance in uncertain times? Mercury in Scorpio, direct @ 26*Libra on Election Day, makes 3x squares to Saturn and opposes Uranus three times as well on its path forward. That Sun/Mercury also opposes Uranus in Taurus bringing surprises and jolts of reality in varying dosages across the planet. Earth changes continue at a rapid pace beyond the seemingly usual earthquakes, floods and wildfires. What AHA moments are you realizing and noticing internally? As above So below. Neptune square the nodal axis in Gemini-Sag confuses the search for truth and makes difficult discerning lies. Be keen t

  • Forecast for October 1-15, 2020

    29/09/2020 Duración: 32min

    The Libra Mantra: "I balance a diversity of relationships with my own initiative" The exuberance of Jupiter stationary direct has now dissolved into the sobering realities of Saturn direct @ 26* Capricorn. This is occurring right on the Pluto-Mercury retrograde opposition in the US Sibley chart, activating the polarized discourse and barricaded positions in our society as we approach yet another election cycle in the US. Mars Rx in Aries squares all of the stellium and that US Sibley signature, creating an impulsive and erratic fervor in our country on many fronts. Venus in Virgo from Oct. 2-27 will emphasize all things Health and Wellness. Optimistically, Chrion Rx @ 7* Aries opposes the Sun and conjuncts Mars also squaring the US Sibley Mercury-Pluto. Perhaps some racial healing is on the other side of this election cycle. May it be so that the health and welfare of all of our citizenry take precedent on this wild journey to the core of our Souls.

  • Forecast for September 17-29, 2020

    17/09/2020 Duración: 34min

    This New Moon in Virgo @ 25* is square the nodal axis of the Moon in Gemini-Sag. The activation of the mutable quadrant will assist in gathering more information and more dis-information of all types and kinds. Remember the Sun in Virgo mantra if you decide to chase rabbits down the hole one more time: "I discern with intuitive wholeness" The real opportunity here is break up and analyze our attitudes and feelings about things we see or read. Neptune opposes the New Moon emphasizing the intuition side of the mantra. Mercury in Libra will oppose Mars in Aries and both make squares to the Capricorn stellium. "What deep and broader understandings are you now willing to act upon?" Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio-Libra Oct.13th-Nov. 3 from 12* Scorpio to 26* Libra. Watch for converging and robust conversations and discussions. Stubborn diametric viewpoints involving inner planets in the cardinal signs. The Sun in Libra mantra chimes in: "I balance a diversity of relationships with my own initiative" All the chatter

  • Forecast for Sept 1-16, 2020

    01/09/2020 Duración: 32min

    The Full Moon of Pisces @ 10* asks: "How well can you see and feel through the entire spectrum of activity right now on planet Earth?" The Sun in Virgo mantra: "I discern with intuitive wholeness" Mars retrograde Sept. 9th through Nov. 14th from 28*-15* Aries. Find your purposeful trigger for action. The goal is to better understand our anger, sexuality, survival instincts and our courage. We will have 7 planets retrograde now until Jupiter direct on Sept. 12th. Mercury oppose Chiron asks: "Who is the bad guy here?" Neptune oppose the Sun inquires "Who is the victim?" The Earth element is activated so our testing grounds are everything physical including resources and supply chain disruptions, damaged buildings, and outright racism and authoritarianism. A Wild Ride, indeed. Mercury in Libra from Sept. 5th-27th. Be looking for Mercury as an evening star soon as it readies for another retrograde in Scorpio Oct. 13th - Nov. 3rd, making 3 oppositions to Uranus and one to Mars. Venus has completed the oppositions

  • Forecast for August 18 - Sept 1, 2020

    18/08/2020 Duración: 30min

    The New Moon of Leo comes along and we are asked to re-birth our solar/lunar relationship with our Soul. This is the time when you harvest the inner work to date on self-love. Pay attention to what is attracted to you. Are you radiating a deep sense of self? Amplitudes of anger and outbursts of emotion will be heightened in late August, and then throughout October and January, with the resolution of this upcoming Mars retrograde coming early in 2021. We have six planets retrograde throwing off the old ways, shaking up core beliefs, and inciting reactions. Lots of energy so just remember that as quickly as it comes on, it also will dissipate just as fast. Food insecurity, civil security, and health insecurity are on the front burner and will demand change and accountability from the political elites. The "stuckness" of where we are in our communities will be evident. Venus in Cancer will oppose the stellium further clarifying values and the chasm that has developed between the haves and have-nots; and expo

  • Forecast for August 3-17, 2020

    01/08/2020 Duración: 37min

    By mid-month we shall have six planetary energies retrograde and Mars will join that parade in September. Our theme and our challenge continues to re-assess, re-organize, and re-move all the noise to reach deeper and deeper levels of inner self-reliance. Mars in Aries entices purposeful conflicts and some outright anger moments as the action planet in it own sign makes first quarter squares to Jupiter (Aug 4th 2 23* Cap), Pluto (Aug 13th @ 23* Cap) and then Saturn (Aug 26 @ 26* Cap). Find late Aries by house in your chart and ask; "Where am I feeling frustrated?" "Where is my inner RAGE?" This is the Full Moon of Aquarius and we must learn when to objectify and then utilize these anger moments to cleanse the conversation of ambiguity and be taken serious again. Of course, we are evolving through the emotional body, so standing in your power and holding opposing views without too much projection is the healthy way to be heard. Venus will be leaving that long pass through Gemini and reaching comfy Cancer after

  • Forecast for July 21 - August 2, 2020

    19/07/2020 Duración: 26min

    As the Capricorn stellium makes oppositions to the Sun, the light of day shines upon all the control issues, family sensitivities, career concerns, and amplified grass roots movements for sustainable changes. Everything else also seems to have a magnified emotional component designed to help us feel our way through this next step in our evolution. The Sun's opposition to Saturn is a sure symbol of death and dying. EAN mourns the loss of Dale Copeland a 48 year old teacher and father who succumbed after two strokes. The Sun in Leo mantra is: "I Align My Will with Divine Will". May it be so. Jupiter Rx waning sextile to Neptune Rx is the second of three reflecting this Divine discontentment on the planet. Too much focus on goals and to-do lists can further frustration right now. Keep hopes and dreams for a better future and then surrender them to true aspirations for inner peace leading to real freedom. With Mercury making the same oppositions to the stellium for the next couple of weeks, busy-bodiness may jus

  • Forecast for July 4-20, 2020

    02/07/2020 Duración: 35min

    The Cancer-Capricorn axis is fully activated with this Lunar Eclipse holiday weekend. The Capricorn stellium, led by Jupiter, then Pluto and Saturn have all reached the half-way points of their retrograde cycles with each opposition to the Cancer Sun. "How do we keep it Real?" There are larger and larger gaps being created between the realities of healthcare, finances, and emotions on the ground versus lies we are being told by our leaders and their complicit stooges. These oppositions to the stellium are also square the Mars-Chiron conjunction @ 10* Aries making a combustible mix and the suppressed rage of our communal wounding is palpable. The Sun is trine Neptune @ 20* Cancer-Pisces facilitating denials, fabrications and probably some depression of those tempting us to the dark side on this re-birthing of our national psyche.

  • Forecast for June 21 - July 3, 2020

    21/06/2020 Duración: 37min

    We now find ourselves at the Summer Solstice and this year the New Moon of Cancer @ 0* Cancer on June 21st, is the first of two Solar Eclipses in 2020. The Cancer mantra is: "I evolve emotionally with self-responsibility" Emotional Energy is running rampant in familial units, like-minded groups, and clubs of all sorts as we open up to how we feel. Jupiter and Pluto make their 2nd of 3 conjunctions @ 24* Capricorn. Get out your charts and map 20-25* of the cardinal signs for your leading edge of deep Soul growth. We are now experiencing an overhaul of all the outworn consensus beliefs and conspiracy theories denigrating science and most of the core American values we have collectively held dear for decades. Nourish your Soul and go deep inside for inner peace. Mars will ingress Aries as well as square the nodes of the Moon, residing in its own sign of ruler-ship for the rest of 2020. There will be no let up with confrontational discourse and other fireworks as we approach our nation's birthday this year. Ask y

  • Forecast for June 5-20, 2020

    04/06/2020 Duración: 32min

    This Rebellious and Wild Ride StarLady has been talking about will have waves and crescendos similar to the 1960s. We are emotionally triggered with our own thoughts as the planet Mercury enters its pre-shadow phase and goes retrograde June 17th - July 12th from 15* Cancer back to 5*. Join us for all the free details on the Mercury Rx in Cancer webinar June 15th @ 6pm MDT. Get on AstroNews list for the free link. Venus Rx in Gemini continues to personalize and refine our values. That determines what we desire to create. Friday, June 5th is a Lunar Eclipse @ 15* Gemini-Sag to be followed this month by a Solar Eclipse on the summer solstice, June 21st @ 0* Cancer. Right now the Gemini-Sag themes dominate, however, that will give way to the Cancer mantra: "I evolve emotionally with self-responsibility" Mars and Neptune are conjunct in Pisces squaring Venus and this Lunar Eclipse so watch for impulsive and unprompted behaviors in yourself and others. This Mars/Neptune conjunction activates the US chart so look fo

  • Forecast for May 23 - June 5, 2020

    20/05/2020 Duración: 33min

    With four heavenly bodies transiting early Gemini and the north node there, as well, we find ourselves juggling tasks, feeling a little perturbed by too many demands, and basically in information overload. Welcome to the next many weeks. After all, the Gemini mantra is: "I gather information with intuitive searching" Venus and Mars buddy up and square Neptune causing some confusion while sorting this all out. Venus and Mars are making 3 waxing squares to one another this year; January, June and September. With Mars balsamic phase to Neptune and soon beginning a new 2 year cycle around the zodiac, the focus is on our unique intrinsic values that we have to offer and then translating those values and desires into action throughout 2020. Be gentle with yourself right now. Until Venus' interior conjunction to the Sun on June 2nd and with Mars making aspects to the stellium, Uranus and Chiron, self-forgiveness goes along way down this winding road to the core of the Soul.

  • Forecast for May 7-22, 2020

    05/05/2020 Duración: 40min

    The Full Moon of Scorpio @ 17* of the Taurus-Scorpio axis will certainly underscore where we have developed inner security vs. outer security in trying times. How well are you when the trappings of our western lifestyle grinds to a halt? The month of May will be remembered as a bellwether month on that journey to deep inner security. Pluto is retrograde @ 25* Capricorn exposing lies and deceit of the plutocrats. Saturn goes retrograde May 10th @ 2* Aquarius instigating a variety of social rebellions. Jupiter Rx @ 27* Capricorn on May 14th highlights choice points for all of us based upon new facts. Finally, we await Venus Retrograde @ 22* Gemini on May 12th adding a duality of expression based on conflicted values that seem to change daily. Join us for the webinar May 11th and get out your charts and map 20* of the mutable signs for your greatest impact for growth. The Sun in Gemini mantra is: "I gather information with intuitive searching" Changing perspectives, expanding education in new ways, and avant-gar

  • Forecast for April 23 - May 6, 2020

    24/04/2020 Duración: 38min

    How many of us are truly living the Taurus mantra: "I create self-reliance with every metamorphosis"- so important now for us to integrate and make sense of conflicting and downright duplicitous comments coming from our government amidst this crisis. This chaos will continue with Mercury in feisty Aries squaring the Capricorn stellium of Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter. By the way, those three planets will be joined by Venus in stationing retrograde now until mid-May, just 20 days with four planets going retrograde. That is why we are calling for the Rebellion to Begin. Throw off all confusion and walk in nature this spring. We will have another reckoning period when these planets go direct in the fall as they shift into enlightened Aquarius in December. Remember...Rebellion = Progressivism. Join us for the Gemini-Sag Nodal transit webinar April 27 and Venus Rx in Gemini May 6 for all the relevant details and signatures on how this energy may unfold for you. Venus will square Neptune twice in May @ 20-21* Gemini,

  • Forecast for April 8-22, 2020

    06/04/2020 Duración: 45min

    The Full Moon @ 19* Libra, will most likely continue to reveal inequalities and energetic extremes in social behaviors during this dramatic and challenging time. We have coined 2020 the Wild Ride with the big three planets (Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto) dancing back and forth with one another. The first Jupiter-Pluto conjunction @ 25* Cap April 4th, and Saturn in Aquarius until July 1st (retrograding back into Capricorn), are readying us for three more conjunctions of these three heavyweights in 2020. Upsetting revelations of malfeasance in government, disintegration of corporate control, and institutional machinations grinding to a halt will feel like a changing of the guard; a re-birth. Venus entering Gemini for the next four months (until August 7) moves into pre-shadow phase on April 10th @ 5* Gemini. We will observe the argumentative and interrupting nature of public discourse continuing into summer. Join us for the Venus Rx Gemini webinar on May 6th @ 6 PM MDT. Sun in Taurus on April 19th says: "I create

  • Forecast for March 21 - April 5, 2020

    21/03/2020 Duración: 52min

    Early risers will be treated to the New Moon in Aries on the eastern horizon at daybreak with a Capricorn cluster of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto (not visible, of course) As we continue the Wild Ride of 2020, the Sun in Aries mantra on the spring equinox remains: "I initiate with consideration of others" This New Moon is also conjunct Chiron and square the nodes of the Moon, so part of the journey is finding new, modalities, therapeutics, and vaccines to make us feel safer and healthier. Mars has a conjunction with Jupiter in Aquarius shaking up fears and hysteria while we adjust our conscious beliefs to the activities within our groups. Mars is in Aquarius from March 30th through May 12th conjoining Saturn and Pluto along the way. Venus in Taurus raced by Uranus @ 4* Taurus causing trauma in financial markets not seen for decades. Venus makes waxing trines to the stellium, as well, so values and money themes will continue to dominate. Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn will then turn retrograde together within th

  • Forecast for March 9-23, 2020

    06/03/2020 Duración: 38min

    The Full Moon of Virgo emphasizes a "boots on the ground" approach. The Sun finishing up in Pisces conjunct Neptune offers up boundless inspiration. Combined with the conjunction of Venus and Uranus @ 4* Taurus, those who have been steadfast on working themselves through the recent Capricorn gauntlet, will initiate new talents and experience enhanced value including resource manifestations. Lots of support for our spring self-improvement regimens as well. Ripened potentials for healthy new beginnings. On Monday's Full Moon, Mercury will also station direct and sparks of new insights light up out inner world. Mercury will spend another month in reflective Pisces so make time NOW to solidify your connection to Source. Mars and the Sun are very active with the Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto stellium. The Sun in Aries mantra now becomes: " I initiate with consideration of others" This will cause an acceleration of deep recognitions as it touches Jupiter Saturn and Pluto. Mars in Capricorn makes the waning sextile to Ne

  • Forecast for Feb. 23 - March 8, 2020

    21/02/2020 Duración: 30min

    With Mercury, Moon and the Sun in Pisces we can feel a palpable let down in late February. Wouldn't life be easier if we could just binge watch Netflix or hang out in the deep end of a dive bar? What is occurring is no less than a shedding of ages-old, out-moded, and out-worn beliefs as Neptune is also in its own sign of ruler-ship, finishing up its long slog through Pisces, as well.The next Solar month, exacerbated by Mercury Rx, will reveal more outrageous power grabs, political vitriol, dubious cyber crimes and more that will make us feel vulnerable, and perhaps, disillusioned. Saturn. will come to the rescue in April with its ingress into Aquarius and innovation and new directions with manifest. Mars conjuncts the south node finishing up its 18 month cycle through Capricorn. Suppressed emotional baggage could get in the way if emotional avoidance has been your strategy. Feel it and then Do it. Venus in Aries will make the waxing square to the Capricorn stellium. Galvanize your efforts to match the new p

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