
Forecast for July 4-20, 2020



The Cancer-Capricorn axis is fully activated with this Lunar Eclipse holiday weekend. The Capricorn stellium, led by Jupiter, then Pluto and Saturn have all reached the half-way points of their retrograde cycles with each opposition to the Cancer Sun. "How do we keep it Real?" There are larger and larger gaps being created between the realities of healthcare, finances, and emotions on the ground versus lies we are being told by our leaders and their complicit stooges. These oppositions to the stellium are also square the Mars-Chiron conjunction @ 10* Aries making a combustible mix and the suppressed rage of our communal wounding is palpable. The Sun is trine Neptune @ 20* Cancer-Pisces facilitating denials, fabrications and probably some depression of those tempting us to the dark side on this re-birthing of our national psyche.