
Forecast for May 23 - June 5, 2020



With four heavenly bodies transiting early Gemini and the north node there, as well, we find ourselves juggling tasks, feeling a little perturbed by too many demands, and basically in information overload. Welcome to the next many weeks. After all, the Gemini mantra is: "I gather information with intuitive searching" Venus and Mars buddy up and square Neptune causing some confusion while sorting this all out. Venus and Mars are making 3 waxing squares to one another this year; January, June and September. With Mars balsamic phase to Neptune and soon beginning a new 2 year cycle around the zodiac, the focus is on our unique intrinsic values that we have to offer and then translating those values and desires into action throughout 2020. Be gentle with yourself right now. Until Venus' interior conjunction to the Sun on June 2nd and with Mars making aspects to the stellium, Uranus and Chiron, self-forgiveness goes along way down this winding road to the core of the Soul.