
Forecast for October 1-15, 2020



The Libra Mantra: "I balance a diversity of relationships with my own initiative" The exuberance of Jupiter stationary direct has now dissolved into the sobering realities of Saturn direct @ 26* Capricorn. This is occurring right on the Pluto-Mercury retrograde opposition in the US Sibley chart, activating the polarized discourse and barricaded positions in our society as we approach yet another election cycle in the US. Mars Rx in Aries squares all of the stellium and that US Sibley signature, creating an impulsive and erratic fervor in our country on many fronts. Venus in Virgo from Oct. 2-27 will emphasize all things Health and Wellness. Optimistically, Chrion Rx @ 7* Aries opposes the Sun and conjuncts Mars also squaring the US Sibley Mercury-Pluto. Perhaps some racial healing is on the other side of this election cycle. May it be so that the health and welfare of all of our citizenry take precedent on this wild journey to the core of our Souls.