
Forecast for May 7-22, 2020



The Full Moon of Scorpio @ 17* of the Taurus-Scorpio axis will certainly underscore where we have developed inner security vs. outer security in trying times. How well are you when the trappings of our western lifestyle grinds to a halt? The month of May will be remembered as a bellwether month on that journey to deep inner security. Pluto is retrograde @ 25* Capricorn exposing lies and deceit of the plutocrats. Saturn goes retrograde May 10th @ 2* Aquarius instigating a variety of social rebellions. Jupiter Rx @ 27* Capricorn on May 14th highlights choice points for all of us based upon new facts. Finally, we await Venus Retrograde @ 22* Gemini on May 12th adding a duality of expression based on conflicted values that seem to change daily. Join us for the webinar May 11th and get out your charts and map 20* of the mutable signs for your greatest impact for growth. The Sun in Gemini mantra is: "I gather information with intuitive searching" Changing perspectives, expanding education in new ways, and avant-gar