
Forecast for August 3-17, 2020



By mid-month we shall have six planetary energies retrograde and Mars will join that parade in September. Our theme and our challenge continues to re-assess, re-organize, and re-move all the noise to reach deeper and deeper levels of inner self-reliance. Mars in Aries entices purposeful conflicts and some outright anger moments as the action planet in it own sign makes first quarter squares to Jupiter (Aug 4th 2 23* Cap), Pluto (Aug 13th @ 23* Cap) and then Saturn (Aug 26 @ 26* Cap). Find late Aries by house in your chart and ask; "Where am I feeling frustrated?" "Where is my inner RAGE?" This is the Full Moon of Aquarius and we must learn when to objectify and then utilize these anger moments to cleanse the conversation of ambiguity and be taken serious again. Of course, we are evolving through the emotional body, so standing in your power and holding opposing views without too much projection is the healthy way to be heard. Venus will be leaving that long pass through Gemini and reaching comfy Cancer after