
Forecast for April 23 - May 6, 2020



How many of us are truly living the Taurus mantra: "I create self-reliance with every metamorphosis"- so important now for us to integrate and make sense of conflicting and downright duplicitous comments coming from our government amidst this crisis. This chaos will continue with Mercury in feisty Aries squaring the Capricorn stellium of Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter. By the way, those three planets will be joined by Venus in stationing retrograde now until mid-May, just 20 days with four planets going retrograde. That is why we are calling for the Rebellion to Begin. Throw off all confusion and walk in nature this spring. We will have another reckoning period when these planets go direct in the fall as they shift into enlightened Aquarius in December. Remember...Rebellion = Progressivism. Join us for the Gemini-Sag Nodal transit webinar April 27 and Venus Rx in Gemini May 6 for all the relevant details and signatures on how this energy may unfold for you. Venus will square Neptune twice in May @ 20-21* Gemini,