
Forecast for April 8-22, 2020



The Full Moon @ 19* Libra, will most likely continue to reveal inequalities and energetic extremes in social behaviors during this dramatic and challenging time. We have coined 2020 the Wild Ride with the big three planets (Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto) dancing back and forth with one another. The first Jupiter-Pluto conjunction @ 25* Cap April 4th, and Saturn in Aquarius until July 1st (retrograding back into Capricorn), are readying us for three more conjunctions of these three heavyweights in 2020. Upsetting revelations of malfeasance in government, disintegration of corporate control, and institutional machinations grinding to a halt will feel like a changing of the guard; a re-birth. Venus entering Gemini for the next four months (until August 7) moves into pre-shadow phase on April 10th @ 5* Gemini. We will observe the argumentative and interrupting nature of public discourse continuing into summer. Join us for the Venus Rx Gemini webinar on May 6th @ 6 PM MDT. Sun in Taurus on April 19th says: "I create