
Forecast for September 17-29, 2020



This New Moon in Virgo @ 25* is square the nodal axis of the Moon in Gemini-Sag. The activation of the mutable quadrant will assist in gathering more information and more dis-information of all types and kinds. Remember the Sun in Virgo mantra if you decide to chase rabbits down the hole one more time: "I discern with intuitive wholeness" The real opportunity here is break up and analyze our attitudes and feelings about things we see or read. Neptune opposes the New Moon emphasizing the intuition side of the mantra. Mercury in Libra will oppose Mars in Aries and both make squares to the Capricorn stellium. "What deep and broader understandings are you now willing to act upon?" Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio-Libra Oct.13th-Nov. 3 from 12* Scorpio to 26* Libra. Watch for converging and robust conversations and discussions. Stubborn diametric viewpoints involving inner planets in the cardinal signs. The Sun in Libra mantra chimes in: "I balance a diversity of relationships with my own initiative" All the chatter