
  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 233:09:46
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StarLady uses Evolutionary Astrology to forecast on the New Moon and Full Moon of each month. These forecasts will involve the current transits of planets and signs. StarLady nourishes the Soul and rekindles your Spirit.


  • Forecast for Feb 9-22, 2020

    08/02/2020 Duración: 41min

    The Full Moon of Leo begs to be acknowledged. Our desire for this emotionally charged need is inversely proportional to our lack of self-love and self-acknowledgment. How well are you filling yourself up with self-love? The Sun in Pisces mantra: " I am in wholeness with my Reality" Mercury Retrograde in Pisces on Feb.16th demands clear communications in all things. Join us for the free comprehensive webinar on this transit Feb. 12th @ 6 MT. The free link comes in Astro Newsletter so please sign up and invite family, friends and colleagues. Mars gets busy with the waning inconjunct to Saturn @ 26* Capricorn. Our desire nature is experiencing a fruition phase until Mars conjoins Saturn @ 1* Aquarius March 21st and a new cycle of dedicated and innovative action commences. Mars also will help us reap rewards earned with the waning trine to Uranus in Taurus and the waning square to Chiron in Aries. Chiron conjunct Venus in Aries starts a new look at complimentary healing. Chiron's waning semi-sextile to Uranus in

  • Forecast for Jan 24 - Feb 8, 2020

    25/01/2020 Duración: 32min

    The Wild Ride of 2020 continues with the New Moon @ 5* Aquarius and the Sun in Aquarius mantra: "I break free with new creativity in myself" Remember to get The Complete 2020 Forecast on our forecasting webinars page. Also, apply code - recover - for $50 off the two Dvd formats of the EA Course. Be alert to repeating messages that pop up into consciousness. They are your new guideposts for growth and creativity in the new year. Mercury and Mars form a nice sextile and will dance through the upcoming Mercury Retrograde with six aspects from 13* Pisces back to 28* Aquarius Feb. 16 - Mar 20. Get all the details by joining us for the free Mercury Rx Webinar on Feb 12th. Venus and Neptune conjoining @ 17* Pisces and Venus' three waxing squaring to Mars in Pisces-Sag provides a lot of inspiration for activit, but do so with integrity and with honest communications. Venus will also be starting a brand new zodiacal cycle with its ingress into Aries. Combine that with Jupiter in Capricorn accelerating and expanding en

  • Forecast for January 10-23, 2020

    09/01/2020 Duración: 34min

    The Wild Ride of 2020 opens with the first of six Lunar Eclipses in 2020. This Full Moon in Cancer will oppose the stellium of energy from 20-24* Capricorn on this second full weekend in January. Next, Uranus will join the party moving direct motion @ 3* Taurus creating its own set of surprises for the unenlightened. Early next week Saturn conjoins Pluto @ 24* Cap that may bring a new round of responsibilities your way that you did not even ask for. Where is your life reflecting a determined need to step up to the plate and shine? Mercury and the Sun dance together from Jan 10-13 presenting the immediate catalyst for these duties in our workstations or in our homes. Sun in Aquarius mantra: "I break free with new creativity in myself" Venus in Pisces has the potential to open us up to new levels of unconditional love. We may discover new ways to honor one another in relationship. For consensus Souls, this could simply manifest as more denial and could result in escaping into pillows and pizza or perhaps a Netf

  • Forecast for Dec 25, 2019 - Jan 8, 2020

    24/12/2019 Duración: 30min

    The Capricorn barrage continues with an inner planet salvo of aspects centered around the Solar Eclipse New Moon of Capricorn and our traditional Christmas holiday. Truly is a great time for syncing up new goals, re-committing to a new career path or some determined effort, and launching new ideas for evolved success and accomplishment. The inspiration comes with Jupiter, Sun, Mercury and Moon on the south node in Capricorn. Mercury stays there Dec. 28th - January 16th, 2020 before its pre-shadow phase prior to its next retrograde Feb. 16, 2020. The Sun in Capricorn mantra: " I achieve my goals with emotional self-reliance" You may experience old memories and/or dreams of past lives involving social faux paus or upsets, ways you did not fit in to your community experience and the subsequent judgements from others. This emotional residue is bubbling up to be compassionately resolved and assist you to move forward cleanly. Mars enters Sagittarius and adds some additional fire and movement with aspects to Chiron

  • Forecast for Dec 13-25, 2019

    10/12/2019 Duración: 45min

    Full Moon in Gemini emphasizes clear and honest communications on the way to realizing, "What is the broadest level of cosmological truth that I can comprehend?" Chiron moves direct Dec. 12th @ 2* Aries and will also square the Sun in Capricorn. Chiron's tandem dance with Neptune in Pisces for the last decade has provided a unique synergy for spiritual healing. Now, after Chiron's 5 month retrograde period ask "How have I consciously evolved my relating issues with those closest to me the last 5 months?" Venus conjunct Saturn, and then Pluto, is all about sifting and shifting our value systems. This is also a maturation of the Soul but will also require an upgrade of our emotional intelligence and our emotional congruence. Jupiter in Capricorn makes a last quarter square to Chiron, conjuncts the south node of the Moon, and then finally trines Uranus @ 3*, slowing down stationary direct January 10th. Get the complete read-out in the Jupiter in Capricorn series now posted for sale on the Forecasting webinar's p

  • Forecast for Nov 27 - Dec 12, 2019

    27/11/2019 Duración: 31min

    The New Moon in Sagittarius invites us to renew our search for higher levels of truth in our lives. The Sun in Sagittarius mantra: “I understand the relativity of truth with others”. For this period of time, however, Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron are the focal points in our evolution as Jupiter will enter Capricorn on Dec. 2nd and Neptune and Chiron are stationary direct within two weeks of one another. Please consider mapping out the middle degrees of the mutable signs and the early degrees of the cardinal signs for your most imminent effects. Of course, StarLady will be available to consult with you. Go to the personal consultations page under the Forecasts tab on the homepage and purchase that product. Offer ends Nov. 30th. Applying coupon code – capricorn – at checkout and MediaMonk will call you with suggested times. Venus then Jupiter will make last quarter squares to Chiron at 1* Aries so new ways of addressing our own self-healing are on the horizon. How best can you take self-responsibility in your nex

  • Forecast for November 12-26, 2019

    11/11/2019 Duración: 42min

    The Full Moon of Taurus could expose the extremes of materialism just in time for the holidays. At the very least, resource management decisions are highlighted. Mercury is halfway through its retrograde cycle and with Venus Jupiter conjunct in expansive Sagittarius, things could feel over the top with shopping, the news cycle and self-righteous conversations. Ask for a deep, Scorpionic revelation to reveal your next transformational step in personal evolution. The Sun in Sagittarius mantra is: "I understand the relativity of truth with others" Kim Marie invites you to have a personal session - 20% off - apply code - capricorn - at checkout and experience where these heavy transits are for you in your chart. Limited Time. Then Mars enters Scorpio until Jan. 3, 2020 letting us have another look into the power and control issues surrounding our intimate relationships. Speak Up. Not saying anything doesn't necessarily mean you aren't manipulating through silence and passive behaviors. Jupiter conjunct Venus will

  • Forecast for Oct 29 - November 11, 2019

    26/10/2019 Duración: 38min

    The New Moon of Scorpio at 4* opposes Uranus Rx in Taurus now reaching the halfway point of its 5 month retrograde cycle. We could feel animated and excited one moment followed by downdrafts into our unresolved emotional basket the next moment. The Sun in Scorpio mantra encourages us: "I metamorphose myself with emotional self-reliance" Mars in Libra first makes the last quarter square to Saturn and then a week later to Pluto. Are we giving our power away? Mars in Libra can be the happy chatterbox one moment and the judgmental gossiper the very next moment. This combo of Scorpio and Capricorn always involves doubts over or overt attempts at power and control. Mercury Rx in Scorpio piles on another element opening Pandora's Box on emotional and communication issues that have somehow been suppressed. Venus conjoins Mercury before entering Sagittarius Nov. 1st, inviting a deeper look into our core values and how we express them in our relationships. However, the major bass note to ponder is Uranus in Taurus wa

  • Forecast for Oct 14-28, 2019

    12/10/2019 Duración: 37min

    Please make the effort to map 17*- 23* of any sign in your chart for your personal clues as to how this Full Moon of Aries and Jupiter in Sag will activate you. First of all, this Aries Moon @ 20* will form a T-square with the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn. Outbursts and arguments abound. Make extra efforts to find compromise or simply “Agree to Disagree”. With Jupiter freshly direct and traveling from full phase to disseminating phase with Uranus Rx in Taurus, new exposures of lies, cover-ups and mis-directions result in anger at powerful plutocrats and their decision making processes. Jupiter is also in balsamic phase to this Pluto, further compounding the inevitable revelations of power and control over the masses and financial improprieties. Mars in Libra is squaring the nodes of the Moon and Saturn in Capricorn. The cardinal energy of initiating actions – just to the point of insecurity – contains a lot of emotion as well, so tension will remain in the air throughout October. As of this posting, Mercury has

  • Forecast for Oct 1-13, 2019

    26/09/2019 Duración: 34min

    Join us Tuesday, October 15th for the new live monthly EA Class for Associates only: "The Chronological Aspects of Life - Part 2" Purchase at least one segment of EA Course materials and Save 25% through the end of this month. MediaMonk will send out your personal email registration for this live, interactive 2-hour webinar. Pluto in dutiful Capricorn joins Saturn going direct now at the time of the fall equinox. This one-two punch is emphasizing all the Capricorn themes we have been talking about with the nodal axis in Capricorn-Cancer. Vulnerabilities are being exposed in our various political and economic systems. Are you operating in a mode of self responsibility? Wealth inequality has seen CEO pay outpace worker pay at dizzying levels. Plutocrats literally act and negotiate as if they are above the law. The inner planets in Libra square the nodal axis demand more morality, compassion and contributions to the larger whole. It is now time for retribution, fairness and balance. Re-negotiate with teachers, p

  • Forecast for Sep 14-28, 2019

    11/09/2019 Duración: 36min

    Join us Tuesday September 17th for the live monthly EA Class for Associates: "The Chronological Aspects of Life" Purchase your EA Course materials in your favorite format and Save 25% to get your email invitation for this live, interactive 2-hour webinar. Our annual sale lasts through New Moon Libra Sept. 28th. Saturn and Pluto in steadfast Capricorn will both go direct. This one-two punch will emphasize all the Capricorn themes we have been talking about with the nodal axis there as well all year. What is real for you right now? This transit combo represents death and re-birth individually and collectively for all of us. Be conscious of breathing through events on the job, in social situations and public spaces. Coming to terms with our past and then taking full responsibility for ourselves in these interactions is now paramount. This Capricornian emphasis occurs while we are experiencing a mutable T-square of Jupiter in Sagittarius and the inner planets opposing Neptune in Pisces and the Full Moon. The inn

  • Forecast for Aug 30 - Sep 13, 2019

    31/08/2019 Duración: 36min

    The question now becomes "How do we handle equal measures of ease and frustrations at the same time?" Five inner planets in Virgo make waxing trines to Uranus in Taurus and waning trines to Pluto Rx in Capricorn. Manifestations are available on the physical plane if prior efforts have been made. The possible seed of frustration involves those inner planets in a T-square involving Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Sagittarius. The final of three last quarter squares is exact on September 21st @ 17* Sag-Pisces. As these inner planets in Virgo keep us on edge with detail management, analytical thinking, and inner and outer criticisms, at some point we must cool the flames, relax and breathe into the larger picture. This will involve new universal truths revealed this year that have been unveiled but also may remain unrecognized. We will run up against situations that will initiate feelings of not quite being able to put it together. Your new foundation may just lie at where you are now able to surrender to that n

  • Forecast for August 15-29, 2019

    14/08/2019 Duración: 39min

    The Full Moon of Aquarius bridges the egocentric and somewhat self-centered energy of Leo into Virgo. It is said that Leo is always the pinnacle of the pyramid, and, Virgo comes along to invert the pyramid. Think Star of David, the six-pointed shield the Jewish peoples began to use as a religious symbol when integrating with Christians. This full moon of impartiality, fairness and detachment begins that shift from yang to yin but also from a fixed, fire energy to a mutable and yet grounded reality. Auspicious time to learn emotional objectivity and then move that forward into honoring Unity in Diversity. All Aquarian archetypes. The Sun in Virgo mantra beginning August 23rd is " I discern with intuitive wholeness" As the inner planets and Mars conjunct the Sun and move through Virgo, one could feel a tempering of all the frivolity of summer evaporate. There can be a yoke of catching up. Leftover details from work and home seem to appear into consciousness. A little effort right now will make September flow m

  • Forecast for August 1-14, 2019

    30/07/2019 Duración: 34min

    Several bursts of fiery energy are being tempered by Uranus Rx and Jupiter direct as we honor the Celtic cross-quarter celebration Lammas and early harvest time. Aha moments and rewards beckon. The New Moon of Leo conjuncts Venus providing juice for new inspirations in what we value, and hence, new directions in relating from new perspectives as well. Mars will aspect Chiron in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. Although we all want to be 'gung ho' right now, taking the sacred other into account is of the utmost necessity. Share from another's perspective. Hold space for others while you feel energized and alive. Mercury goes stationary direct just hours after the New Moon helping us to re-birth self-love and allowing you to see that light of divinity in them and their pursuits. What a payoff! The Grand Fire Trine with Venus, Chiron, and Jupiter will offer up some new primary element of truth that has been previously hidden back into consciousness to be recognized. As always, there are warnings. Venus' (in Leo) f

  • Forecast for July 2-14, 2019

    05/07/2019 Duración: 28min

    The New Moon in Cancer asks us to fully explore all the family issues that are coming to the forefront right now. When our perceived inner security is threatened in some way, involution follows, we withdraw and try to figure it all out prior to engaging again. This can be a continuing theme during eclipse season in Cancer/Capricorn. Mars is in Leo (until August 17th) and Venus enters Cancer at virtually the same time and we want things our way more than usual and are sensitized to any admonishments or slights from others. Until Venus leaves Cancer July 27th, expect to process and refine core values, because Mercury Rx will confound and confuse the issue with its transit back through Cancer, as well. Chiron @ 5* Aries goes retrograde and joins Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, Mercury in re-verse motion from our Earth-centered viewpoint. Mars becomes a firecracker focal point with aspects to Chiron Rx and Uranus; makes a waning sesqui-quadrate to Jupiter and a waxing one to Neptune. Jupiter and Neptune have just had the

  • Forecast for June 30 - July 10, 2019

    26/06/2019 Duración: 26min

    Welcome to summer (Sun in Cancer) and south node eclipse season beginning @ 10* Cancer July 2. Right when we wish to be most active, our emotions become triggered. We may find ourselves wishing to withdraw a bit to process and collect our equilibrium. All the inner planets are traveling together tightly in Cancer/Leo personalizing everything. Then, Mercury goes retrograde July 7, invoking Murphy's Law into our experience. We call this a "Watergrade" because it will keep July intensely emotional traveling from 5* Leo to 24* Cancer. Mars will have a long transit in Leo, lasting until August 17th. We all want to be loved and noticed but that journey really starts within and radiates outward. Can you align your passions and your will to Divine Will this summer? Map 14*-21* Capricorn in your charts for where you will be noticing the extremes of the plutocrats and old guard protecting the status quo and knocking back progressive movements. Have a fun time but stay vigilant on the road, think to ten before speakin

  • Forecast for June 17-30, 2019

    18/06/2019 Duración: 25min

    We have increased intensity of the Capricorn-Cancer set-up throughout the rest of the month of June. Mercury and Mars will oppose Pluto @ 22* Cancer demanding congruency in our thoughts, our words and our actions. Considering Mercury's upcoming retrograde period July 7-31 from 24* Leo back to 24* Cancer, combined with the commencement of Neptune Rx for five months, confusion and a general sense of discontentment could rule our experience. What needs to be sacrificed in our increasingly material and superficially digital world to allow for a greater connection to Source? The Cancer mantra is "I evolve emotionally with self-responsibility" With the Full Moon of Sag now in the rear view mirror, north node eclipse season is upon us requiring emotional healing and maturation. Family roles seemingly flip-flop. Unconscious control issues arise to reveal our projections and fragile emotional states of being. Governments attempt to subvert and control the masses who are seemingly rising up to be heard everywhere. T

  • Forecast for May 27 - June 5, 2019

    27/05/2019 Duración: 35min

    "I gather information with intuitive searching" is our Gemini mantra as we all enjoy the lengthening days of early summer. Mercury is also contributing to the heightened rhythm of summer making on opposition to Jupiter in Sag. Be aware of the gossip and the "he said - she said" energy in conversations and re-direct those. Remember, small people talk about other people, average people talk about things and great people talks ideas. Mars conjuncts the north node opposing Saturn and Pluto sustaining all the Capricorn themes we have been discussing with those twp powerhouses in the same sign. A potent New moon @ 13* Capricorn will be a turning point and/or reward point in all things career, production, and new foundations of growth within our families and groups. Jupiter is busy with aspects to Uranus, Saturn and Neptune. How are your belief systems operating now in the midst of unyielding globalization of our planet and the extremes of nationalistic and protectionist governments looking for relief. E Pluribus U

  • Forecast for May 2-8, 2019

    02/05/2019 Duración: 27min

    An important germination time now exists. We have opened the door to the unconscious with Jupiter, Saturn and now Pluto retrograde on the New Moon in Taurus. Pluto will transit similar degrees of the transiting south node (20*-14* Capricorn) setting up triggers from our emotional past. Actions and goals are emphasized, particularly the ones we have avoided until now. Be courageous and make it conscious. Much Soul growth is happening right now because our conditioning factors and family of origin issues are wide open for review. Patience may be needed with Mercury finishing up in Aries and making aspects to Saturn, Pluto and conjunct Uranus later next week in Taurus. Mars in Gemini dances with Pluto and opposes Jupiter promoting a certain verbosity and creating some meddling and tendency for gossip. Ask which truths you have been refusing to look at and make those revelations a priority through mid-month. Catalysts are always available via transit. However, but now is especially ripe for expansion and evoluti

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