
Forecast for June 5-20, 2020



This Rebellious and Wild Ride StarLady has been talking about will have waves and crescendos similar to the 1960s. We are emotionally triggered with our own thoughts as the planet Mercury enters its pre-shadow phase and goes retrograde June 17th - July 12th from 15* Cancer back to 5*. Join us for all the free details on the Mercury Rx in Cancer webinar June 15th @ 6pm MDT. Get on AstroNews list for the free link. Venus Rx in Gemini continues to personalize and refine our values. That determines what we desire to create. Friday, June 5th is a Lunar Eclipse @ 15* Gemini-Sag to be followed this month by a Solar Eclipse on the summer solstice, June 21st @ 0* Cancer. Right now the Gemini-Sag themes dominate, however, that will give way to the Cancer mantra: "I evolve emotionally with self-responsibility" Mars and Neptune are conjunct in Pisces squaring Venus and this Lunar Eclipse so watch for impulsive and unprompted behaviors in yourself and others. This Mars/Neptune conjunction activates the US chart so look fo