
Forecast for Nov. 13-28, 2020



The Full Moon in Scorpio will test personal relationships as we get to our emotional bottomlines more quickly now. Mercury is there and Venus in late Libra will soon follow after making last quarter squares to the Capricorn stellium. Work on your listening skills and find common ground. This is an opportunity for new choice points in creating our reality within our family, pods, and work environments. Venus will enter Scorpio Nov. 21 - Dec. 15. Mars direct Nov. 13th @ 15* Aries brings new emerging desires into focus and real momentum personally and collectively. Of course, Mars' third passage of waxing squares to the stellium in mid-January and Mars' tense aspects to the U.S. Mercury Pluto opposition will stoke impulsive actions that could backfire. Be intentional with planned actions based upon your new level of emotional well-being. Mercury's third opposition to Uranus in Taurus is your emotional security check point to strengthen and bolster your sense of self. The Sun in Sagittarius mantra is: "I understa