
Forecast for Oct. 31 - Nov. 13, 2020



The cross quarter time of All Hallows Eve is upon us with the Full Moon in Taurus @ 9* Taurus-Scorpio amplifying our souls and pscyhe. The corresponding and sometimes unwelcome growth opportunities abound with themes of death and re-birth, corrupt power and manipulations, and alchemy and metamorphosis. Indeed the Scorpio mantra is: "I metamorphose myself with evolving self-reliance" How are you finding new levels of self-sustenance in uncertain times? Mercury in Scorpio, direct @ 26*Libra on Election Day, makes 3x squares to Saturn and opposes Uranus three times as well on its path forward. That Sun/Mercury also opposes Uranus in Taurus bringing surprises and jolts of reality in varying dosages across the planet. Earth changes continue at a rapid pace beyond the seemingly usual earthquakes, floods and wildfires. What AHA moments are you realizing and noticing internally? As above So below. Neptune square the nodal axis in Gemini-Sag confuses the search for truth and makes difficult discerning lies. Be keen t