
Forecast for Dec.14-28, 2020



We now move forward by addressing the past as south node eclipse season in Sagittarius demands freedom from those shackles and ghosts we no longer need. Ahas abound. Mercury conjunct the south node square Neptune @ 18* Pisces challenging us to move beyond confusion and inaction reminding us we indeed do not know it all. Chiron assists by going direct motion @ 5* Aries. All in all, we also have five planets changing signs adding spice to the stew. The grand Aquarian conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn happens on the winter solstice. Saturn resides there until March of 2023 and Jupiter spends all of 2021 in Aquarius ushering in a new 20-year cycle of these two social planets into the Airy realm of Aquarius, Gemini, Libra where they will also conjoin in each sign until 2041. Incessant materialism gives way to ideas and concepts for the next couple of decades. We may experience additional atmospheric shocks such as more wildfires, tornadoes and fast-moving weather systems. The Sun in Capricorn mantra: "I achieve my