
Forecast for Sept 1-16, 2020



The Full Moon of Pisces @ 10* asks: "How well can you see and feel through the entire spectrum of activity right now on planet Earth?" The Sun in Virgo mantra: "I discern with intuitive wholeness" Mars retrograde Sept. 9th through Nov. 14th from 28*-15* Aries. Find your purposeful trigger for action. The goal is to better understand our anger, sexuality, survival instincts and our courage. We will have 7 planets retrograde now until Jupiter direct on Sept. 12th. Mercury oppose Chiron asks: "Who is the bad guy here?" Neptune oppose the Sun inquires "Who is the victim?" The Earth element is activated so our testing grounds are everything physical including resources and supply chain disruptions, damaged buildings, and outright racism and authoritarianism. A Wild Ride, indeed. Mercury in Libra from Sept. 5th-27th. Be looking for Mercury as an evening star soon as it readies for another retrograde in Scorpio Oct. 13th - Nov. 3rd, making 3 oppositions to Uranus and one to Mars. Venus has completed the oppositions