
Forecast for June 21 - July 3, 2020



We now find ourselves at the Summer Solstice and this year the New Moon of Cancer @ 0* Cancer on June 21st, is the first of two Solar Eclipses in 2020. The Cancer mantra is: "I evolve emotionally with self-responsibility" Emotional Energy is running rampant in familial units, like-minded groups, and clubs of all sorts as we open up to how we feel. Jupiter and Pluto make their 2nd of 3 conjunctions @ 24* Capricorn. Get out your charts and map 20-25* of the cardinal signs for your leading edge of deep Soul growth. We are now experiencing an overhaul of all the outworn consensus beliefs and conspiracy theories denigrating science and most of the core American values we have collectively held dear for decades. Nourish your Soul and go deep inside for inner peace. Mars will ingress Aries as well as square the nodes of the Moon, residing in its own sign of ruler-ship for the rest of 2020. There will be no let up with confrontational discourse and other fireworks as we approach our nation's birthday this year. Ask y