
Forecast for Feb. 23 - March 8, 2020



With Mercury, Moon and the Sun in Pisces we can feel a palpable let down in late February. Wouldn't life be easier if we could just binge watch Netflix or hang out in the deep end of a dive bar? What is occurring is no less than a shedding of ages-old, out-moded, and out-worn beliefs as Neptune is also in its own sign of ruler-ship, finishing up its long slog through Pisces, as well.The next Solar month, exacerbated by Mercury Rx, will reveal more outrageous power grabs, political vitriol, dubious cyber crimes and more that will make us feel vulnerable, and perhaps, disillusioned. Saturn. will come to the rescue in April with its ingress into Aquarius and innovation and new directions with manifest. Mars conjuncts the south node finishing up its 18 month cycle through Capricorn. Suppressed emotional baggage could get in the way if emotional avoidance has been your strategy. Feel it and then Do it. Venus in Aries will make the waxing square to the Capricorn stellium. Galvanize your efforts to match the new p