


StarLady uses Evolutionary Astrology to forecast on the New Moon and Full Moon of each month. These forecasts will involve the current transits of planets and signs. StarLady nourishes the Soul and rekindles your Spirit.


  • Forecast for Nov. 4-18, 2021

    04/11/2021 Duración: 34min

    This New Moon @13* Scorpio presents a T-square with the opposition to Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius. With so much energy aligned in fixed signs, expect confrontations at home and office. Mercury, in Scorpio through Nov. 24th and Mars also in Scorpio through Dec. 13th, do not avoid. After all, the mantra is: "I metamorphose myself with evolving self-reliance" Venus is uncomfortable in Capricorn until mid-March and with its upcoming retrograde Dec. 19th, a deep re-evaluation of all relationships public and private will ensue. This process will reveal shifts in our core value systems (Venus) hence modifying our desires (Mars). Look for epiphanies along the way and clearer resolution not until early 2022 (Venus/Mars conjunction). All will feel very personal throughout the remainder of 2021. Sun, Mercury and Mars will all make their waning aspects to the outer planets and provide the necessary pressure to find your next level of growth and evolution to open the core of your Soul.

  • Forecast for Oct. 20 - Nov. 3, 2021

    19/10/2021 Duración: 27min

    This Full Moon of Aries arrives as four of seven retrograde planets are now in direct motion. We can consciously put our foot back on the accelerator. The Full Moon of Self (Aries) will determine to what degree we have made the emotional Libran relating adjustments necessary to avoid disappointments in our social spheres. Mars and the Sun are traveling in tandem through late Libra, and then Scorpio. The Scorpio mantra is: "I metamorphose myself with evolving self- reliance" Mars is always synergistic in Scorpio as the traditional ruler of that sign prior to Pluto's discovery. And Happy Solar Return to Kim Marie October 24th! Join us for all the public webinars scheduled: Venus Rx in Capricorn, Monday Dec. 13th, The 2022 Forecast January 5th, and The Nodal Axis ingress into Taurus-Scorpio, Jan. 22nd, 2022. Get on Astro News list for enrollment and registration details.

  • Forecast for Oct. 6-19, 2021

    05/10/2021 Duración: 32min

    The Libra New Moon @ 14* occurs as we have seven retrograde planets, four of which will go direct within 12 days in October. There will also be a triple stellium of Sun, Mercury and Mars nearby @ 17* Libra, so make the disciplined effort necessary to avoid impulse in favor of considered thoughts and actions. 10*-20* of the Cardinal signs are strongly activated. As we begin the second half of our zodiacal season ask: "What are the emerging and evolving choice points in my Life right now?" The Sag South Node conjunct Venus moving into dynamic Sagittarius for a month (Oct. 7 - Nov. 5) will expose value based patterns up for renewal. Finally, the Sun and Mercury form a waning trine to Jupiter that will assist in guidance to objectify truth, enlighten progressive thought, and support our sincere compromises on this relationship journey to the core of our Soul.

  • Forecast for August 22 - Sept. 6, 2021

    20/08/2021 Duración: 37min

    Mercury Mars oppose Neptune and all the other late summer New Moon transits to guide you.

  • Forecast for August 9-21, 2021

    05/08/2021 Duración: 33min

    All the hot transits for the dog days of summer!

  • Forecast for July 23 - August 8, 2021

    24/07/2021 Duración: 28min

    This Full Moon in the sign of Objectivity, Aquarius, will assist in our equilibrium. That bass note of the Saturn in Aquarius (Uranus' sign) last quarter square to Uranus in stodgy Taurus continues to highlight all the current tension between Truth vs. Lies, inclusive politics and policies vs. exclusive ones, and building bridges rather than erecting walls and barriers. Where are you letting go and moving forward? How often do you lean towards security choices rather than seeing the glass half full and evolving in those directions? We have five planets changing signs in July. Venus and Mars in Virgo leads the way, making the opposition to Jupiter in Pisces. Jupiter is new phase to Saturn. Aha moments and flashes of future messaging opens us up to how we will now expend our energy and resources. With this Sun in Leo, play becomes paramount and fulfills our inner needs and inspires creativity on this always fun and rollicking journey to the core of our Soul.

  • Forecast for July 8-22, 2021

    08/07/2021 Duración: 29min

    This Cancer New Moon will most likely reveal relationship co-dependencies, trust issues and all the family projections that may grace our reunions, dinner parties, and group events. The Cancer mantra remains: " I evolve emotionally with self responsibility" Try not to take anything personally. With Mars and Venus conjunct in Leo, it will be easy to see who demands the spotlight. Let that deeper light shine through you and attract only genuine and heartfelt vibrations from all your interactions. Mercury entering Cancer will help you keep your emotional center. That Mars Venus will oppose Saturn in Aquarius testing this emotional resolve. Chiron retrograde in fiery Aries helps us observe how many old worn-out stories we collectively cart around and repeat. Challenge yourself to gracefully re-direct those somewhat negative re-runs into progressive thoughts and actions that enroll all concerned to jump on the creative bandwagon with you to the core of the Soul.

  • Forecast for June 24 - July 8, 2021

    24/06/2021 Duración: 26min

    The Full Moon of Capricorn occurs as Mercury goes stationary direct in its own sign. Jupiter and Neptune change directions in Pisces, as well, stirring the pot for everyone.

  • Forecast for June 10-23, 2021

    08/06/2021 Duración: 27min

    A Solar Eclipse New Moon occurs in tandem with the halfway point of the Mercury Retrograde cycle. Moving our creativity forward now in sustainable ways may require us to confront what is not working in our lives. The bass note of the second exact Saturn in Aquarius last quarter square to Uranus in steadfast Taurus is shaking things up. Are we collectively stalled? Will the Aquarian visions finally conquer the plutocrats desire to block change? Jupiter and Neptune station retrograde adding confusion. In addition, we have Venus ingress sensitive Cancer and Mars living it up in Leo. Get out your charts and map 18-21* of the mutable quadrant and the fixed signs – now the leading edge for evolution. Increase your personal magnetism and resist the the need to be noticed on this humble yet proactive journey to the core of the Soul.

  • Forecast for May 11-25, 2021

    12/05/2021 Duración: 24min

    This Taurus New Moon offers clear choices based upon the evolving values we have been working on throughout the year. The Taurus mantra reflects this back to us: "I create self-reliance with every metamorphosis" Jupiter ingresses Pisces and experiences a unique journey for this planet's 9 month transit in comfy Pisces. Quiet your mind and stay calm because Mercury in Gemini from May 29th to June 22nd from 25*-16* Gemini will certainly keep the pot of doing-ness on slow boil. Consider an unplugging event of some kind, deep breathing exercises or just make more time for walks in nature. The Sun in Gemini mantra: "I gather information with intuitive searching" Join us for Mercury Retrograde in Gemini free webinar May 26th, 6-8 pm MDT. Register via Astro Newsletter. Finally, Saturn in Aquarius joins Pluto Rx and begins a 4-month retrograde May 23rd from 13*-7* Aquarius. So throw off what's not working and connect to your deepest values. Any denial of your truth and your reality will be reconciled this summer on

  • Forecast for April 26 - May 10, 2021

    25/04/2021 Duración: 29min

    The SuperMoon in Scorpio forms a T-square with Jupiter and Saturn hastening the shedding of old reality structures. Saturn in Aquarius continues to square Uranus in Taurus, as well, and the theme continues to be Security vs. Progressive Change. Black Moon Lilith, The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus oppose this Scorpio SuperMoon revealing old emotional patterns yearning forgiveness. Mercury and Venus are evening stars now, moving in tandem throughout the month of May. Scorpio's ruling planet, Pluto is stationary retrograde April 26th, opening a five month window to discover the desires of our Souls. Mars enters Cancer now and we can rotate between our emotional triggers and then our passive emotional shutdowns. How well do you act/re-act to all this excitement generated by the Gemini transits? Find your inner stillness on this energetic journey to the core of the Soul.

  • Forecast for April 12-25, 2021

    13/04/2021 Duración: 29min

    Welcome to the real initiations into the new Solar Year with this first New Moon of Aries. The cluster of Aries planets (Chiron,Mercury,Venus,Ceres,Sun and Moon) makes the waxing square to Pluto in late Capricorn attempting to break up those old, entrenched attitudes and bastions of control that have become even more desperate since Pluto's initial ingress into Cap in 2008. Saturn in Aquarius, leading the breakout for progressive visions, makes the last quarter square to Uranus in Taurus and replicates this upheaval of stability. Expect more Earth events like volcanoes, wildfires, Covid surges and floods causing mental distress and a flight to safety. Mercury, in air signs for nearly 7 months in 2021, makes conjunctions to Venus three times with the third conjunction May 29th. This inner planet menage a trois is rather rare, triggering spats over values, resources and relationships. Sun in Taurus mantra is: "I create self-reliance with every metamorphosis" Both planets will make the conjunction to Uranus in T

  • Forecast for March 28 - April 10, 2021

    27/03/2021 Duración: 26min

    The Aries mantra is : "I initiate with consideration of others" and with Sun, Venus, Chrion in Aries opposing the Moon we may have difficulty slow down enough to honor anyone else. All planets in direct motion and this Arian energy has us looking to balance our self-motivation and new starts. Play fair at home and at work. Venus pulls away from the Sun in a week or two becoming an evening star for all to enjoy this spring and summer. Chiron is busy making a waning semi-sextile to Uranus and the waxing semi-square to Jupiter. How aware of your self-healing are you? Have you noticed any Deja Vu moments or repeated messages coming through from past traumas? Go to the forecasting webinars page of EAN and get the Chiron in Aries info and your own personal house transit for more details. Mercury enters Aries interrupting communications and transportation. Impulsive behaviors are tested and we all seem to be a little short-tempered. Mercury's conjunction to Chiron April 8th is a focal point on this exciting self-hea

  • Forecast for March 12-24, 2021

    12/03/2021 Duración: 32min

    New Moon Pisces - Sun in Aries forecast.

  • Forecast for Feb. 27 - March 12, 2021

    27/02/2021 Duración: 36min

    A big green light this Full Moon Virgo on all things health and wellness. All planets in direct motion from Feb. 20 - April 27th, when Pluto initiates a retrograde @ 27* Capricorn. Be still and know, but "pray with your feet" as much as you can now. Be in motion. "How well are you sustaining those New Year's commitments with diet, exercise and rest?" The Pisces/Virgo mantra: "I am in Wholeness (Pisces) with my Reality (Virgo)" The Sun, Mercury and Venus will dance through Aquarius and Pisces rather in tandem. Venus squares the nodal axis and then travels through the underworld until her visibility in the evening sky in early May for the rest of the year. Mercury will conjunct Jupiter @17* Aquarius on the way to joining the Sun and Neptune in Pisces. Similarly, Mars ingresses into Gemini causing some starts and stops. Instinctively move forward with what you know to be the best actions but allow for flexibility on this progressive and stimulating journey to the core of the Soul.

  • Forecast for Feb. 12-26, 2021

    13/02/2021 Duración: 39min

    We are under an Aquarian Super Stellium for this New Moon podcast. The Sun in Aquarius mantra is "I break free with new creativity in myself" We must become conscious of any future-orientated messages that have been filtering through. Repeating themes involving social justice and group dynamics are highlighted. This is supported and enhanced by the first of three last quarter squares of Saturn and Uranus in fixed signs throughout the year 2021. Expect a reckoning of beliefs and a raising of consciousness. Deep meaning is available to be manifested into our lives. Aquarius' ruling planet, Uranus in Taurus, has revealed climate change to be factual since 2018. Our rug of security is slippery and the survival lessons are just beginning to accelerate. Neptune's exact square to the nodal axis continues to cause confusion on what is Truth and what are the Lies. Finally, with the Sun in Pisces late next week, Mercury direct @ 11* Aquarius, Venus entering Pisces we will be asked to make choices that add value to our

  • Forecast for Jan. 28 - Feb. 11, 2021

    28/01/2021 Duración: 40min

    January will be known as Jupiter month when that gas giant made powerful aspects to four planets and the nodal axis resulting in an acceleration of the already unpredictable Aquarian shift. Suppressed Capricornian attitudes got fired up and manifested pathological behaviors, hyper-activity, anarchy, and open rebellion. "I break free with new creativity in myself" is the Aquarian mantra. Mercury, freshly retrograde, joins Venus, and the Sun on this Full Moon Leo podcast. This makes a T-square with Mars and Uranus in steady Taurus. This full moon energy and the inner planets in Aquarius are voices in the choir and should offer insights and epiphanies on how to become utterly self-responsible amidst the changing value systems and earth changes witnessed this past year. Ask for the flashes of wisdom that comes with Mars/Uranus and then adapt, adjust and advance on this progressive journey to the core of the Soul.

  • Forecast for Jan. 11-27, 2020

    11/01/2021 Duración: 31min

    The Past and the Future collide into the Present moment. Neptune's tight square to the nodal axis and Jupiter and Saturn winding down in balsamic phase to Pluto in Capricorn have us all processing the collective trauma unleashed by insurrectionists at the Peoples House. "What are our new goals as a country of citizens?" Uranus in Taurus, ruler of Aquarius and just stationary direct, conjuncts Mars and forms a crises in consciousness last quarter square to Jupiter/Saturn in Cap. Transiting Mars in Taurus makes the more active waxing square to the stellium and we are forced to process these events in order to resolve our national angst. The Sun in Aquarius mantra: "I break free with new creativity in myself" Choice points and a new sober reality on the ground require objectivity and retribution before we move forward into the healing phase on this surprisingly necessary journey to the core of the American Soul.

  • Forecast for Dec. 29 - Jan. 11, 2020

    29/12/2020 Duración: 31min

    We either discover our let downs or inner peace after the holidays and a trying year with the Full Moon of Cancer. This is the most emotional full moon of the year. Remember emotional self-reliance = inner security. Mars' last square to the Capricorn stellium and the inner planets changing signs changes flavors, but the Wild Ride continues with many Jupiter aspects this podcast. Venus finishes up in Sag and moves into Capricorn Jan 8 - Feb. 1st. Along that journey, Venus is conjunct the south node and also makes a last quarter square to Neptune in Pisces. This important planetary pair is hard to grasp. Ask "What do I value most in my world"? "Where am I still confused"? What do I now believe on the very deepest levels possible"? Jupiter makes the waning semi-square to Neptune as well. This is balsamic phase, another Neptunian energy. Make time to resolve your core beliefs right now and attract your best gifts in 2021. Mercury in Aquarius from Jan. 8 - March 15th quests to understand. "What am I to learn now,

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