Coffee With The Doc



Podcast by Dr.Glen Schaffer


  • Episode 24 - Essential Oil Appications

    06/10/2018 Duración: 23min

    Are you using Essential Oils in your wellness journey? You should be! Learn why essential oils are a valuable tool for the health of you and your family!!

  • Episode 23 - Whole30 Review

    17/09/2018 Duración: 19min

    Want to feel better, have more energy, sleep better and have less pain? Take a look at the Whole30 Diet! Here's our review 60 days after completing the diet!There are so many nutritional plans, fad diets, and so called “healthy” foods out there and it can be difficult to determine what is best for you and your health. Today, we are joined by a special guest, Dr. Schaffer’s youngest daughter Megan to talk about the process of Whole30. We also talk about why we started Whole30, what out likes/dislikes were, some tips/tricks to have a successful 30 days, and we even shared a recipe or two! Meg here, I want to encourage you to take 30 days and commit to doing Whole30. It will give you a new appreciation to how your body reacts to certain foods and in addition you will learn how to stay away from the foods that give your body a negative reaction. Personally, I loved doing Whole30 and I still stick to the Whole30 approved foods. Guest: Megan Schaffer Instagram: @turningpointfitness Twitter: @megdschaffer Faceb

  • Episode 22 - Natural Help For ADHD

    11/09/2018 Duración: 19min

    Learn natural help aids for ADHD! Changes in diet can make a big difference.

  • Episode 21 - Importance Of Good Balance

    04/09/2018 Duración: 15min

    Balance, for the most part, involves your ability to stay upright. It’s closely aligned with agility. One of the issues with balance and staying upright is that there are a lot of things working against us, with the main one being gravity! Then there are all the other things we slip on and trip over on a daily basis that try to knock us down. It can be a challenge at times. Proper balance involves multiples areas of your anatomy all working together. Your inner ear has circular canals filled with fluid that detects motion in any direction and sends signals to your brain telling it what is going on. Your brain sends signals to your musculoskeletal system to contract or relax specific muscles to keep you upright. Your eyes also send signals to your brain about how you are moving. All of this happens over and over in a fraction of a second and when everything is working just right, you’re upright and doing your thing. Pretty amazing, huh? So what can you do to maintain good balance? Dr. Schaffer will give you th

  • Episode 20 - Financial Wellbeing

    30/08/2018 Duración: 19min

    Would you like to lower your financial stress? Overall wellness includes our emotional wellbeing which is directly related to our stress level and how we're managing our stress. Financial stress contributes greatly to many people's overall stress level. Dr. Schaffer will be talking about a topic falls under Principle #4; Proper Mental, Emotional And Spiritual Wellbeing and that’s financial wellbeing. See you’re now asking yourself, why is he talking about finances? Let’s explain to you a little bit. Mental and emotional wellbeing has a lot to do with our stress levels and how we manage that. So does spiritual wellbeing for that matter. Financial difficulties are still the leading cause of marital breakups! So it stands to reason that financial struggles are a leading cause of stress and therefore a leading cause of mental and emotional difficulties as well. Under the Principle #4 of Proper Mental, Emotional and Spiritual, financial wellbeing needs to be discussed. Dr. Schaffer will give you steps to

  • Episode 19 - The Why Behind The Vibrant Lifestyle

    21/08/2018 Duración: 13min

    What would it mean to you to be healthy and vibrant into your 70's, 80's or 90's? What would it mean to you for your family to be healthy and vibrant? Did you know, for the most part, you're in control of your health and as a parent, the health and wellbeing of your family?Doc Here! I just want to share with you some projects I’m working on that will be rolled out in the very near future. I’m super excited to be completing the initial phase of my Vibrant Lifestyle Program. I’m currently working on two applications of this program: the first is a 90-Day program designed for small 10 people groups and the second is customized corporate programs. A third application will follow these two, which is an annual membership.Why am I so excited about this program and why am I doing this? Well, that’s a good question and let me explain. I’ve told this story before but it bares repeating. 12 years ago I’m sitting in a convention auditorium in Orlando, FL with about 500 of my chiropractic colleagues li

  • Episode 18 - Reading Food Labels

    13/08/2018 Duración: 17min

    Ever wonder what all that food labeling is about? Learn how to eat better by understanding food labeling. It's basic information you should know about the foods you're eating.

  • Episode 17 - Disc Problems

    07/08/2018 Duración: 17min

    Suffering with a "slipped" disc? What are the causes? Are there conservative solutions to this common problem? Do you need surgery?Periodically, Dr. Schaffer is going to talk about some specific conditions: give you the general anatomy, what are some causes of the condition or injury and what are some treatments. Today is one of those times and he will be talking about herniated discs in the neck and lower back, what in layman's terms is a slipped disc. This usually involves significant pain in the neck or lower back with associated pain into an arm or leg, but it can vary in presentation and symptoms. Numbness, tingling or muscle weakness in the arm or leg are also possible. You most likely know someone who has experienced this and after listening to today’s show you will have some incite on how to take care of herniated discs. Doc here! My goal is to help you, your family and friends lead a healthy vibrant lifestyle so that you can enjoy life, serve others and glorify our God and our creator.

  • Episode 16 - Our Need For Others

    31/07/2018 Duración: 15min

    Today Dr. Schaffer is going to talk about our need for other people. Maybe that seems odd to you, but this fits into Principal #4 Proper Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Well-being. As Dr. Schaffer previously mentioned, he firmly believes we are designed by God to live in relationship with Him, but also in relationship with others. We need God and we need other people. Other people need us. We are designed to live in community. The development of how we go about being involved with those around us stated back when we were infants. This is compounded in the early development year 1-3. The foundation is laid here for interacting with the world around us. Social, emotional and personal development starts to take shape: making relationships, managing behavior and feelings and becoming more aware of self and confidence, yes, started in those early formative years. Countless books and college courses have be written on the “how to” of this topic.Genesis 2:18 (English Standard Version -ESV)18 Then the Lord God said,

  • Episode 15 - Core Strength

    24/07/2018 Duración: 13min

    It all starts with the core! Today Dr. Schaffer is going to talk about core strength. So far in the area of exercise, Principal #1, Dr. Schaffer has given you an overview of what proper exercise is. He has gotten you moving with general activity and how proper posture is necessary AT ALL TIMES especially while exercising. Today’s episode is another foundational lesion to any exercise program and that is our need for core strength. Dr. Schaffer will explain what this is in today’s show, but think of your core muscles as the glue that holds everything else together. #AllAboutTheCoreCore Exercise Video You can find Dr. Schaffer at: Website: https://www.drglenschaffer.comEssential Oils: Twitter: YouTube: Contact Dr. Schaffer:

  • Episode 14 - The Whole 30 Diet

    17/07/2018 Duración: 21min

    Have you tried all the diet programs and nothing seems to help you have freedom in your diet while living a healthy life?In today’s episode, Dr. Schaffer is going to share with you something new he started doing in his diet that has given him freedom in his health….#Whole30. Doc here, I’m going to talk to you about another tool, The “Whole 30” diet by Melissa and Dallas Hartwig. They also wrote the bestselling book, “It Starts with FOOD”. Now if you listen to me very much or listened to my episode on Proper Nutrition, you know I’m not a big fan of dieting. So am I going to be hypocritical here and recommend a diet? Not really, and I’ll explain. Whole30 addresses (from the book), an unhealthy relationship with food (psychological, cravings), a disrupted digestive system, a sluggish metabolism and an overactive immune systems. This last one ties into several episodes ago when I spoke about inflammatory foods. Immune system can overreact by creating chronic systemic inflammation, which has been linked to a slew

  • Episode 13 - Hips And Shoulders

    10/07/2018 Duración: 17min

    Host, Dr. Glen Schaffer has been helping people with natural chiropractic care for over 30 years in his South West Florida Practice. The majority of musculoskeletal conditions involve the spine: neck, mid back pain, low back pain. Following that, hips and shoulder issues are very frequent within his patients and in today’s episode he is going to talk about a few of the most common conditions involving these areas, what causes them, and how to get some relief. You can find Dr. Schaffer at: Website: https://www.drglenschaffer.comEssential Oils: Twitter: YouTube: Contact Dr. Schaffer:

  • Episode 12 - Natural Sleep Aids

    04/07/2018 Duración: 16min

    Do you have a difficult time falling asleep or staying asleep? There are certainly times when all of us have difficulty getting a good night’s sleep, either falling asleep or staying asleep. Approx 50 million people struggle with focus during the day due to poor sleep and roughly 150 million Americans struggle at least one night per week getting a good night’s rest. I’ve talked about our need for proper rest in episode 6, so I won’t get back into all of that today, but having proper sleep allows our body to heal and rejuvenate. Occasionally, we will all have a night or two that we don’t sleep well. Typically, these resolve themselves. But for some, getting a good night’s sleep is difficult most every night. Sleeping pills are not the answer, there are risks and the quality of sleep is poor. Are there some natural sleep aids that can help? I’ve found a few I think can help, without resorting to pharmaceuticals or medicines. John 15:5 (English Standard Version - ESV)5 I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoev

  • Episode 11 - Inflammatory Foods

    24/06/2018 Duración: 17min

    Inflammation is a sign that your body is out of balance!Out of balance? What does not even mean? What causes inflammation? How do you prevent inflammation? These are all important questions that will be answered by Dr. Schaffer in these week’s episode! Inflammation has started to become a more talked about issue in recent years however it has always been around. The foods we consume play a huge role in how our body functions and Dr. Glen goes into detail on what foods you should stay away from and why you should. Our bodies are marraulous things that we need to take care of and stay away from inflammatory food is a way to do that. Inflammatory Foods to Stay Away From: Dairy Fatty Red Meats Cheeses MargarineProcessed or Cured Meats Alcohol Vegetable Oil Food Additives Sugar Refined CarbohydratesTropical FruitsTrans Fats Grains Saturated Fats Agave You can find Dr. Schaffer at: Website: https://www.drglenschaffer.comEssential Oils: https://www.facebook.

  • Episode 10 - Proper Posture

    19/06/2018 Duración: 23min

    Host, Dr. Glen Schaffer’s topic today is on proper posture, something he feels is a foundational issue that we need to focus on whether we’re exercising, sitting at your desk at work, sleeping, traveling…really everything we do. If you’re exercising with poor posture, you may be helping one aspect of your health but causing harm to another area. Poor posture can also be a causative factor in lower back pain, middle back pain, “hunchback” syndrome or what he calls, becoming a carpet inspector, neck pain, headaches, and even a variety of internal conditions. As you can see, proper posture is very important today and for your long term health.Do you know what proper posture really looks like or how you can improve your posture? Dr. Gen goes into detail on practical ways you can improve your posture that will give you better health long term! You can find me at: Website: https://www.drglenschaffer.comEssential Oils:

  • Episode 9 - Purging + Eliminating Toxins

    11/06/2018 Duración: 22min

    We made it to my final principal of my Vibrant Lifestyle Program; Eliminating Toxins! You might be thinking, what are toxins? Well, the Nemours Foundation describes body toxins as, "A toxin is a chemical or poison that is known to have harmful effects on the body. Toxins can come from food or water, from chemicals used to grow or prepare food, and even from the air that we breathe. Our bodies process those toxins through organs like the liver and kidneys and eliminate them in the form of sweat, urine, and feces." I know this might be overwhelming but I am going to break it down for you in simple terms! Plus, I will give you tips on how to eliminate these toxins in your home and nutrition for you and your family. A few tips mentioned to help eliminate toxins in your body: Drink lots of water with lemonEat whole, unprocessed foodsExercise regularly Websites Mentioned

  • Episode 8 - Proper Structure

    04/06/2018 Duración: 17min

    What is proper structure? What kind of problems are caused by structural issues? What is this prin, Proper Structure? Every aspect of the human body is designed for function. Every part has a specific movement and function. This is especially true when it involves our musculoskeletal system, but also for all the internal systems as well. Misalignment and/or improper function will cause problems and eventually pain and disease. When your musculoskeletal parts aren’t working properly it causes your joints to wear out faster and have permanent damage. This is true for our internal systems as well, the longer they’re not functioning properly, the greater the chance for permanent damage! Therefore, helping to maintain proper function, for your musculoskeletal system and internal systems, will help prevent faster wearing out and damage. But there is a whole lot more to this and how it relates to your overall well-being, so listen along and learn how you can have proper structure in your everyday life! You can find

  • Episode 7 - Proper Mental, Emotional And Spiritual Wellbeing

    28/05/2018 Duración: 24min

    Today I will be discussing Principle # 4 in my Vibrant Lifestyle Program, Proper Mental, Emotional and Spiritual well-being. This is a very in-depth and rich topic that plays a very important role in our overall wellbeing and health. I won’t be able to go into as much depth in this topic in one show so be sure to know that there will be a follow up show in the near future! The emotional or mental side of our health has a direct impact on our physical well-being and vise-versa. As I have been mentioning, most of the 6 principles of my Vibrant Lifestyle Program overlap each other and weakness in one principle cause a negative impact in another. Likewise, strength in one area can cause improvement in another principle. Weakness in exercise, nutrition, rest, structure and toxins will have a negative impact on emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. For folks that are working on getting healthy, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being is probably the one principle that most will not think about or try to

  • Episode 6 - Proper Rest

    21/05/2018 Duración: 26min

    How is your sleep routine or should I say, how many hours of quality sleep do you get a night?Sleep is the time for our bodies to rest and re-energize for the next day, so why would we not take our sleep seriously. I have come up with 10 benefits to your health that sleep will give you plus natural tips to help you have a better overall sound sleep. So, rather than depriving yourself of good health and the attendant benefits, you should make the right move and apply these practical suggestions that will help you enjoy better sleep every night.You can find me at: Website: https://www.drglenschaffer.comFacebook: Twitter: YouTube:

  • Episode 5 - Proper Nutrition

    14/05/2018 Duración: 23min

    Have you been struggling to determine what proper nutrition really is? There are millions of diet plans and foods to eat or not eat but today I am going to give you the steps to take to clean up your diet. Our nation is in desperate need of nutritional change but you do not need to be a nutritionist to make a change. While there are 6 Core Principles to my Vibrant Lifestyle Program, I’ve listed Proper Exercise and Proper Nutrition first. A lot can be accomplished if we get moving and start eating better. Unfortunately, most folks only concentrate on the first two when trying to attain better health and as I explained in episode #1, all 6 principles are important. Proper nutrition is about quality and quantity, eat good food and in the correct amounts. That’s a simple summary isn’t it?!? It’s safe to assume that not all foods are created equal! Some foods will help to keep you healthy and others foods contribute to sickness and disease! Let’s dig into that a bit and see if we can determine a good starting poin

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