Coffee With The Doc

Episode 21 - Importance Of Good Balance



Balance, for the most part, involves your ability to stay upright. It’s closely aligned with agility. One of the issues with balance and staying upright is that there are a lot of things working against us, with the main one being gravity! Then there are all the other things we slip on and trip over on a daily basis that try to knock us down. It can be a challenge at times. Proper balance involves multiples areas of your anatomy all working together. Your inner ear has circular canals filled with fluid that detects motion in any direction and sends signals to your brain telling it what is going on. Your brain sends signals to your musculoskeletal system to contract or relax specific muscles to keep you upright. Your eyes also send signals to your brain about how you are moving. All of this happens over and over in a fraction of a second and when everything is working just right, you’re upright and doing your thing. Pretty amazing, huh? So what can you do to maintain good balance? Dr. Schaffer will give you th