Coffee With The Doc

Episode 8 - Proper Structure



What is proper structure? What kind of problems are caused by structural issues? What is this prin, Proper Structure? Every aspect of the human body is designed for function. Every part has a specific movement and function. This is especially true when it involves our musculoskeletal system, but also for all the internal systems as well. Misalignment and/or improper function will cause problems and eventually pain and disease. When your musculoskeletal parts aren’t working properly it causes your joints to wear out faster and have permanent damage. This is true for our internal systems as well, the longer they’re not functioning properly, the greater the chance for permanent damage! Therefore, helping to maintain proper function, for your musculoskeletal system and internal systems, will help prevent faster wearing out and damage. But there is a whole lot more to this and how it relates to your overall well-being, so listen along and learn how you can have proper structure in your everyday life! You can find