Coffee With The Doc

Episode 5 - Proper Nutrition



Have you been struggling to determine what proper nutrition really is? There are millions of diet plans and foods to eat or not eat but today I am going to give you the steps to take to clean up your diet. Our nation is in desperate need of nutritional change but you do not need to be a nutritionist to make a change. While there are 6 Core Principles to my Vibrant Lifestyle Program, I’ve listed Proper Exercise and Proper Nutrition first. A lot can be accomplished if we get moving and start eating better. Unfortunately, most folks only concentrate on the first two when trying to attain better health and as I explained in episode #1, all 6 principles are important. Proper nutrition is about quality and quantity, eat good food and in the correct amounts. That’s a simple summary isn’t it?!? It’s safe to assume that not all foods are created equal! Some foods will help to keep you healthy and others foods contribute to sickness and disease! Let’s dig into that a bit and see if we can determine a good starting poin