Coffee With The Doc

Episode 14 - The Whole 30 Diet



Have you tried all the diet programs and nothing seems to help you have freedom in your diet while living a healthy life?In today’s episode, Dr. Schaffer is going to share with you something new he started doing in his diet that has given him freedom in his health….#Whole30. Doc here, I’m going to talk to you about another tool, The “Whole 30” diet by Melissa and Dallas Hartwig. They also wrote the bestselling book, “It Starts with FOOD”. Now if you listen to me very much or listened to my episode on Proper Nutrition, you know I’m not a big fan of dieting. So am I going to be hypocritical here and recommend a diet? Not really, and I’ll explain. Whole30 addresses (from the book), an unhealthy relationship with food (psychological, cravings), a disrupted digestive system, a sluggish metabolism and an overactive immune systems. This last one ties into several episodes ago when I spoke about inflammatory foods. Immune system can overreact by creating chronic systemic inflammation, which has been linked to a slew