
  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 233:09:46
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StarLady uses Evolutionary Astrology to forecast on the New Moon and Full Moon of each month. These forecasts will involve the current transits of planets and signs. StarLady nourishes the Soul and rekindles your Spirit.


  • Forecast for April 21 - May 2, 2019

    22/04/2019 Duración: 47min

    A game of planetary ping pong is now initiated with Pluto and Saturn joining Jupiter Retrograde. The veil is thinning and our prior efforts may be rewarded. Responsibilities come with added power and pay. Enjoy the intensity and your next level of evolutionary impulse and growth. Family circumstances, inner security, grass roots involvement, and emotional self-reliance are strongly in our face now. Map out 15-25* of the cardinal signs for your most powerful effects. Welcome to the Sun in Taurus! The activity levels will calm down soon after all that Aries earlier in the month.

  • Forecast for April 4-10, 2019

    04/04/2019 Duración: 29min

    StarLady and MediaMonk return from emergency health sabbatical to a complete home renovation. Jupiter in Sagittarius' 4-month retrograde, Pluto conjuncting the south node of the Moon, New Moon in Aries and Venus conjunct Neptune are featured. Thank you Astro-listeners and please take advantage of the EA Introductory 15-hour video Workshop complete with downloadable PDFs of all paperwork!

  • Forecast for Mar 13-28, 2019

    12/03/2019 Duración: 28min

    Uranus now finally moves forward into the sign of Taurus for the next six years. The "Frog in the Well' story is ignited. Watch where we have over-protected ourselves in our happy environments. This next period of time will undermine and reveal all of our insecurities; launching them into the light of day. The base note, however, is the tightening conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @ 20-23* of Capricorn on the south node of the Moon. All of our control issues are also up for review. Map 20-25* in your own chart to see and feel where your old control scripts are being stimulated, emphasized, and evolved. Mercury in Pisces reaches its halfway point of a challenging retrograde period, making conjunctions to Neptune and Chiron in Pisces and a waxing square to Jupiter in Sag. Venus will ingress Pisces soon and sextile Uranus. We must now rescue ourselves from all the classical projections we have onto parents, partners, bosses, and friends. Finally, the Full Moon of Libra on the vernal equinox March 20th flows into o

  • Forecast for Mar 1-7, 2018

    28/02/2019 Duración: 33min

    That nebulous feeling of apathy and even surrender may just be in line with the New Moon in Pisces @ 16* with Mercury there conjunct Neptune, ruler of Pisces. A portal to divine communications and connections opens up if you are ready. If not, understandings about our disillusionment or our outright collective depression come to the fore to be healed. Jupiter readies itself for a 5 month retrograde that will light up the 14*-24* of Sagittarius and all the mutable quadrant of Gemini, Virgo, Sag, Pisces. Get out your chart and map those degrees but get your discounted session prior to the end of our 20% off special for your personal reading. Venus in aloof Aquarius will objectify our values. Our senses become rather acute as we trust our initial impressions of those around us. No bull. More avant-garde and "radical" agendas will be highlighted as necessary steps to that ever progressive journey to the core of the SOUL>

  • Forecast for Feb 21-27, 2019

    20/02/2019 Duración: 34min

    The somewhat nebulous feeling we get from Pisces energy after a full Moon becomes more personalized now with Venus in practical Capricorn making aspects to Pluto, Saturn, Uranus and the nodes of the Moon. Discipline and self-sufficiency help to develop the talents you bring to the world. Those inner resources result in work that results in accumulation of outer resources. Such is the private path of those with strong Earth energy. Acute awareness of the Haves vs. the Have-nots can be harnessed right now as motivation for success. Venus on the south node in Capricorn will reveal emotional attachments or blind spots to understanding what recognition and success really mean in our increasingly digital "fake" world. How is this theme evolving for you? Get your private discounted session with StarLady now for an objective look on how this is unfolding for you. Venus' last quarter square to Uranus @ 30* of Capricorn-Aries helps with new initiations of all types on this value-oriented journey to the core of the Soul

  • Forecast for Feb 14-20, 2019

    14/02/2019 Duración: 33min

    Cycles of clarity and confusion may be present next week with the waxing Super Moon of Virgo a day after the Sun's ingress into Pisces. Expect intensity around detail management, sacrifice and service, and please use discernment with all "substances". "I am in wholeness with my Reality" is the Pisces mantra. Chiron will re-enter Aries and remain there throughout 2026-27. We will continue to see exponential leaps in medical technologies. Complimentary (alternative) modalities also thrive, enabling deep healing spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels. Mars' conjunction to Uranus gives way to the feisty planet's ingress into mellow Taurus. Self-Love, Self-Acceptance, and Self-Reliance are the true Valentine gifts that can be integrated well for the next six weeks. Many out-worn beliefs and crumbling realities are wreaking havoc on our Souls, reflected by the balsamic cycles of Jupiter and Saturn to one another, and both, to Pluto. Naturally surrender to the timeless Universal truths amidst the choru

  • Forecast for Feb 7-13, 2019

    07/02/2019 Duración: 25min

    The auspicious New Moon of Aquarius ushers in a time period whereby ALL planets are in direct motion and "full steam ahead" rings out as our mantra. As always, however, the complexity of our Souls cause us to look at a multitude of transits. This week Mars is the focal point representing the leading edge of our conscious desires. Recently, Mars has made first quarter squares to Saturn and Pluto insisting that we take charge and break free into new areas of endeavor. Now, Mars, finishing up in Aries, will square the nodal axis of the Moon, bringing up some insecurity and perhaps a few frustrations as we step back to feel our way through the earlier impulses. Certain limitations may appear moving forward, or at least it can feel that way. Venus just entering Capricorn has us deeply pondering what we truly value in this material world. Prioritize and then Pace yourself for the next several weeks. Mars will enter Taurus from Feb.14 until Mar. 31 so establishing a congruent and stable foundation is more important

  • Forecast for January 10-16, 2019

    08/01/2019 Duración: 24min

    For the rest of January 2019 and perhaps the New Year, the mantra shall be: Surrender, Release, Allow the New Beginnings The Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn and the south node waxing towards a Pluto conjunction in April @ 23* Capricorn sets up themes of self-identification, goal attainment, and personal authority. Where does the wounding from all the many and varied patriarchal distortions reside for you? This now becomes where the inner work can pay off. Take the metaphysical lessons learned and ground them into new beginnings. Mercury conjunct Saturn in Capricorn will guide you to develop short and long term goals. The inner planets in fire signs accelerate the process. Jupiter's waning sesquiquadrate to Uranus initiates changes in beliefs that must be acceptable to a wide swath of society for real progress to be made. Jupiter's last quarter square to Neptune demands a shedding of old limitations to see the new possibilities on the job, in groups, and collectively for all. Finally, Chiron has its 22nd of 2

  • Forecast for Dec 20-26, 2018

    22/12/2018 Duración: 29min

    "I achieve my goals with emotional self -reliance" So it is that that the Full Moon of Cancer-Capricorn will provide objectivity on our our journey to combine family interests with achievements after another year on the job, in our career searches, as well as in new ways of social relating. Mercury and Jupiter in last quarter squares to Neptune in Pisces activate the need for meaning in our lives given all the collective chaos being created right now on planet Earth. Jupiter in Sag continues in balsamic phase to Saturn in its own sign of Capricorn. We are finishing up and completing a somewhat convoluted social cycle that also rules collective finances. DOW meltdown anyone? Coincidence or synchronicity? Mars in Aries is re-birthing a new 2-year cycle on Dec. 31st, making us feel like we need to get back to work. However, the lesser known transit, but the real deal is Jupiter in Sagittarius. The expansion planet transiting the over the south node of Uranus, the planet of surprises and progress. Map out 11*-17*

  • Forecast for Dec 13-19, 2018

    11/12/2018 Duración: 32min

    Mercury enters Sagittarius with Jupiter and the Sun inspiring truthful communications. Venus @ 10* Scorpio makes the waning semi-sextile to Saturn @ 10* Capricorn spawning a mini-reward cycle for those whose aligned values serve society. Mars @ 19* Pisces makes a waxing semi-sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. This cycle began in April of 2018 and marks the crescent phase between the planet of conscious desires and our collective unconscious desires, as well. Financial rewards and career moves will be evident for those whose intentional actions have struggled diligently. However, the most powerful bridge to our evolution remains with Uranus' waning semi-square to Neptune waning trine the Sun in Sag. This is the 4th of 5 waxing aspects for the breakthroughs and expansions we will be seeing through technologies once reserved for over zealous scientists and TV sci-fi movies. We had two of these aspects in 2017, two in 2018 and the final one comes in May of 2020 after the heralded Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto conjunctions i

  • Forecast for Dec 6-12, 2018 - Whole Brain Activation

    05/12/2018 Duración: 31min

    Challenge yourself to integrate left and right brain functions. Reconcile personal truths and timeless truths. Activate your whole brain to combine intuition and left brain desires and details. Jupiter in Sagittarius last quarter square Neptune in Pisces and a Sag New Moon. What is breaking down in your world right now awaiting a renaissance? Jupiter in balsamic phase to Saturn and both of those "social" planets in balsamic phase to Pluto awaiting their conjunction in 2020. Ask: "What would you have me realize, Source, and what shall I do, Source?" Mars conjunct Neptune inspires integrity and honesty in all actions. Mercury and Chiron turn stationary direct emphasizing new revelations for self-healing and the resolution of wounds. What grief, heartbreak, trauma and pain have you been working through since July when Chiron went retrograde? Finally, Uranus Rx @ 29* Aries makes the waxing semi-square to Neptune @ 14* Pisces. This marks the struggle to continue our activism and ground our ideals into new manifest

  • Forecast for Nov 29 - Dec 5, 2018

    28/11/2018 Duración: 25min

    We begin this weekend with Mercury, Sun and Jupiter in early Sagittarius. The Sag mantra is: "I understand the relativity of truth with others". This obviously then brings in the varying perceptions of truth and the limitations of those perceptions within a hyperactive and sometimes confusing world. Jupiter in its own sign of Sag is also making waning aspects to Chiron, Saturn and Pluto further demanding reconciliation on these matters. Expect more news on foreigners journeying, immigration fiascos, restless nomads chasing idealistic notions of freedom and prosperity resulting in predictable border clashes with authorities. Classic Sag/Cap themes. The Sag New Moon T-square developing next week with Jupiter there squaring Mars and Neptune freshly direct in the middle degrees of Pisces, asks us to throw off the fantasies and prepare ourselves. We must release the next wave of separating desires in our life; including the half truths and fake news to reach that ultimate and transcendent part of ourselves on thi

  • Forecast for Nov 8-14, 2018

    06/11/2018 Duración: 25min

    Five planets @ 28-30* of their signs indicates that we have collectively integrated old archetypes and are ready for new challenges or resources to arrive. Does this mean that progressive change is on the horizon? Venus will now conjunct the Moon as a morning star visible just prior to sunrise. Uranus squares the nodal axis in Cancer-Capricorn. Powerful Jupiter enters its own sign of rulership from Nov 8 - Dec 2, 2019, heralding a new twelve year cycle of growth and expansion. Certainly these transits and markers indicate positive change. Jupiter's waning inconjunct to Uranus asks "Where are you breaking free from old emotional wounds and shadows into the light of a new progressive vision?" Power struggles will continue to ebb and flow for the next couple of years with Jupiter in balsamic phase to Saturn in Capricorn. Finally, Venus Rx @ 26* Libra makes a waning trine to Mars in Aquarius. We have re-negotiated our intimate relating. Now, what relationship rewards will you reap after Mars and Venus' retrograde

  • Forecast for Nov 1-7, 2018

    31/10/2018 Duración: 31min

    Jupiter has its last aspects in Scorpio prior to the ingress into Sagittarius next week, making a waning trine to Chiron retrograde in Pisces and the north node, soon in Cancer. The grand trine in water says: Where do you still need to dig deep emotionally? Jupiter also makes a waning inconjunct to Uranus Rx in Taurus/Aries indicating that some external adjustments coming at us may require attention and a shift. The New Moon in Scorpio, Nov. 7th assists in this discovery. Uranus Rx has been in orb of squaring the nodes for a while now and this is the exact aspect. Uranus will dance back into Aries for four months shaking up activism, weather surprises and sparking emotional conflicts. Work on being OK and self-reliant regardless of the changing political landscape. Inner stability and finding courage are now necessary more than ever on the sometimes extreme journey to the core of the Soul.

  • Forecast for Oct 25-31, 2018

    23/10/2018 Duración: 34min

    Venus reaches the halfway point of its retrograde cycle opposing Uranus and squaring the nodal axis. This activates the fixed modality adding pressure to many themes on personal and collective levels. Can we learn to listen and look at things from different perspectives without feeling attacked or threatened? Courage is found when we make the effort. Mercury spends all of November in Sagittarius making aspects to literally all planets. Are you standing in the truth you speak or will you come off as the fool, defending others' hardened positions once again. Venus will spend the month in Libra. Vascillating values or lines in the sand? Pluto @ 19* Capricorn descends over the ecliptic into the underworld for another long cycle. All the distortions of Scorpio rise up for review. At any rate, the action for the next two years will feature the archetypes of Cancer-Capricorn and Jupiter's ingress into Sagittarius. Find 19*-22* of the cardinal signs in your chart and join us for the 2-hour webinar Oct 29th. Enrollmen

  • Forecast for Oct 18-24, 2018

    19/10/2018 Duración: 28min

    We have been pressed to express as the inner planets square the nodal axis and now we have the Sun entering Scorpio as we approach the Full Moon of Taurus. In addition, on after the Full Moon, Uranus Rx in Taurus will oppose Venus Rx in Scorpio for the second of three times as well. Mercury @ 15* Scorpio trines Neptune and makes its first of three last quarter square to Mars in Aquarius. Purposeful actions must come only after some deep thinking. Mercury's sextile to Pluto in Capricorn chugging along now @ 19* Capricorn demands inner self-reliance that, in turn, begets inner security and inner peace. So to summarize, we have Full Moon energy in the fixed quadrant square the nodes of the Moon as the Sun enters Scorpio. Resist the Scorpionic revenge games when triggered. Claim your own self-worth and self-empowerment by feeling your way through. Intense emotional frustrations may show up. However, this is a valuable time period to recognize the metamorphic shifts ahead on this transformational journey to the co

  • Forecast for Oct 11-17, 2018

    19/10/2018 Duración: 25min

    We have been pressed to express as the inner planets square the nodal axis and now we have the Sun entering Scorpio as we approach the Full Moon of Taurus. In addition, after the Full Moon, Uranus Rx in Taurus will oppose Venus Rx in Scorpio for the second of three times as well. Mercury @ 15* Scorpio trines Neptune and makes its first of three last quarter squares to Mars in Aquarius. Purposeful actions must come only after some deep thinking. Mercury's sextile to Pluto in Capricorn chugging along now @ 19* Capricorn demands inner self-reliance that, in turn, begets inner security and inner peace. So to summarize, we have Full Moon energy in the fixed quadrant square the nodes of the Moon as the Sun enters Scorpio. Resist the Scorpionic revenge games when triggered. Claim your own self-worth and self-empowerment by feeling your way through. Intense emotional frustrations may show up. However, this is a valuable time period to recognize the metamorphic shifts ahead on this transformational journey to the cor

  • Forecast for Oct 4-10, 2018

    04/10/2018 Duración: 30min

    The fairness and equality that the New Moon of Libra offers next week is tempered by Venus turning stationary retrograde. What do you truly value when it comes to intimate relating, sexuality and commitment? Get all the important details in the Venus Rx in Scorpio-Libra webinar on our forecasting webinars page @ EAN. Mercury, also in early Scorpio will oppose Uranus in Taurus. We are collectively undergoing a de-conditioning process on unconscious levels. This is really stirring the pot consciously because of the fixed signatures involved, exposing insecurities and rattling emotions as we navigate through our social circles. Finally, Mars is just post-shadow on the New Moon @ 10* Aquarius adding some fuel to this already combustible mix of energy as we tip-toe around this exciting relationship journey and to the core of the Soul.

  • Forecast for Sep 27 - Oct 3, 2018

    26/09/2018 Duración: 34min

    The Soul wake up call we are experiencing with Pluto stationary direct @ 19* Capricorn and the inner planets squaring the nodal axis continues this week. Sexuality and gender Issues may as well become a local billboard this fall. Venus will retrograde in Scorpio-Libra (the two relationship signs) Jupiter in Scorpio deepens and enlarges the tapestry of power themes within those relationships, and Mercury will be pre-shadow next month before its retrograde in Sagittarius-Scorpio Nov.16 aspecting all planets but Neptune. At that time, Mercury will then become the detective in all matters; testing even the most faithful relationships. We will continue to hear more flip-flopping from politicians under scrutiny as Pluto direct builds up the pressure to raise consciousness with control issues, career decisions, and gender suppression. Secrets are revealed and impostors exposed; hung out to dry for all to see. This Soul wake up call is ultimately designed to launch a new level of self-determination and self-responsib

  • Forecast for Sep 20-26, 2018

    20/09/2018 Duración: 35min

    Seven planets and the nodes in the early degrees of their various signs, sets up and interesting array of trines, sextiles, a Full Moon T-square in cardinal signs. Starting with Sun and Mercury in late Virgo, an analysis of our efforts to present ourselves as perfect leads us to realize being kind and gentle to ourselves in our evolutionary processes is the real goal. Mercury will race ahead from the Libra Sun and oppose Chiron and the Full Moon in Aries. This is Chiron's halfway point in its retrograde cycle (opposition to Sun) and will allow us to have revelations about Me vs. You themes, as well as precipitate a stiffening of resolve against victimization tendencies. Pluto in Capricorn is slowing down on its 5 month retrograde and will go stationary direct Sep 30 @ 19* Capricorn. This now forms the bass note for all the gender themes previously discussed, particularly given the upcoming ingress of the nodal axis into Cancer-Capricorn. Psychological androgyny - personality traits fall somewhere in between t

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