
Forecast for July 2-14, 2019



The New Moon in Cancer asks us to fully explore all the family issues that are coming to the forefront right now. When our perceived inner security is threatened in some way, involution follows, we withdraw and try to figure it all out prior to engaging again. This can be a continuing theme during eclipse season in Cancer/Capricorn. Mars is in Leo (until August 17th) and Venus enters Cancer at virtually the same time and we want things our way more than usual and are sensitized to any admonishments or slights from others. Until Venus leaves Cancer July 27th, expect to process and refine core values, because Mercury Rx will confound and confuse the issue with its transit back through Cancer, as well. Chiron @ 5* Aries goes retrograde and joins Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, Mercury in re-verse motion from our Earth-centered viewpoint. Mars becomes a firecracker focal point with aspects to Chiron Rx and Uranus; makes a waning sesqui-quadrate to Jupiter and a waxing one to Neptune. Jupiter and Neptune have just had the