
Forecast for June 17-30, 2019



We have increased intensity of the Capricorn-Cancer set-up throughout the rest of the month of June. Mercury and Mars will oppose Pluto @ 22* Cancer demanding congruency in our thoughts, our words and our actions. Considering Mercury's upcoming retrograde period July 7-31 from 24* Leo back to 24* Cancer, combined with the commencement of Neptune Rx for five months, confusion and a general sense of discontentment could rule our experience. What needs to be sacrificed in our increasingly material and superficially digital world to allow for a greater connection to Source? The Cancer mantra is "I evolve emotionally with self-responsibility" With the Full Moon of Sag now in the rear view mirror, north node eclipse season is upon us requiring emotional healing and maturation. Family roles seemingly flip-flop. Unconscious control issues arise to reveal our projections and fragile emotional states of being. Governments attempt to subvert and control the masses who are seemingly rising up to be heard everywhere. T