
Forecast for Oct 1-13, 2019



Join us Tuesday, October 15th for the new live monthly EA Class for Associates only: "The Chronological Aspects of Life - Part 2" Purchase at least one segment of EA Course materials and Save 25% through the end of this month. MediaMonk will send out your personal email registration for this live, interactive 2-hour webinar. Pluto in dutiful Capricorn joins Saturn going direct now at the time of the fall equinox. This one-two punch is emphasizing all the Capricorn themes we have been talking about with the nodal axis in Capricorn-Cancer. Vulnerabilities are being exposed in our various political and economic systems. Are you operating in a mode of self responsibility? Wealth inequality has seen CEO pay outpace worker pay at dizzying levels. Plutocrats literally act and negotiate as if they are above the law. The inner planets in Libra square the nodal axis demand more morality, compassion and contributions to the larger whole. It is now time for retribution, fairness and balance. Re-negotiate with teachers, p