
Forecast for Dec 25, 2019 - Jan 8, 2020



The Capricorn barrage continues with an inner planet salvo of aspects centered around the Solar Eclipse New Moon of Capricorn and our traditional Christmas holiday. Truly is a great time for syncing up new goals, re-committing to a new career path or some determined effort, and launching new ideas for evolved success and accomplishment. The inspiration comes with Jupiter, Sun, Mercury and Moon on the south node in Capricorn. Mercury stays there Dec. 28th - January 16th, 2020 before its pre-shadow phase prior to its next retrograde Feb. 16, 2020. The Sun in Capricorn mantra: " I achieve my goals with emotional self-reliance" You may experience old memories and/or dreams of past lives involving social faux paus or upsets, ways you did not fit in to your community experience and the subsequent judgements from others. This emotional residue is bubbling up to be compassionately resolved and assist you to move forward cleanly. Mars enters Sagittarius and adds some additional fire and movement with aspects to Chiron