
Forecast for June 30 - July 10, 2019



Welcome to summer (Sun in Cancer) and south node eclipse season beginning @ 10* Cancer July 2. Right when we wish to be most active, our emotions become triggered. We may find ourselves wishing to withdraw a bit to process and collect our equilibrium. All the inner planets are traveling together tightly in Cancer/Leo personalizing everything. Then, Mercury goes retrograde July 7, invoking Murphy's Law into our experience. We call this a "Watergrade" because it will keep July intensely emotional traveling from 5* Leo to 24* Cancer. Mars will have a long transit in Leo, lasting until August 17th. We all want to be loved and noticed but that journey really starts within and radiates outward. Can you align your passions and your will to Divine Will this summer? Map 14*-21* Capricorn in your charts for where you will be noticing the extremes of the plutocrats and old guard protecting the status quo and knocking back progressive movements. Have a fun time but stay vigilant on the road, think to ten before speakin