
Forecast for May 27 - June 5, 2019



"I gather information with intuitive searching" is our Gemini mantra as we all enjoy the lengthening days of early summer. Mercury is also contributing to the heightened rhythm of summer making on opposition to Jupiter in Sag. Be aware of the gossip and the "he said - she said" energy in conversations and re-direct those. Remember, small people talk about other people, average people talk about things and great people talks ideas. Mars conjuncts the north node opposing Saturn and Pluto sustaining all the Capricorn themes we have been discussing with those twp powerhouses in the same sign. A potent New moon @ 13* Capricorn will be a turning point and/or reward point in all things career, production, and new foundations of growth within our families and groups. Jupiter is busy with aspects to Uranus, Saturn and Neptune. How are your belief systems operating now in the midst of unyielding globalization of our planet and the extremes of nationalistic and protectionist governments looking for relief. E Pluribus U