
Forecast for Sep 14-28, 2019



Join us Tuesday September 17th for the live monthly EA Class for Associates: "The Chronological Aspects of Life" Purchase your EA Course materials in your favorite format and Save 25% to get your email invitation for this live, interactive 2-hour webinar. Our annual sale lasts through New Moon Libra Sept. 28th. Saturn and Pluto in steadfast Capricorn will both go direct. This one-two punch will emphasize all the Capricorn themes we have been talking about with the nodal axis there as well all year. What is real for you right now? This transit combo represents death and re-birth individually and collectively for all of us. Be conscious of breathing through events on the job, in social situations and public spaces. Coming to terms with our past and then taking full responsibility for ourselves in these interactions is now paramount. This Capricornian emphasis occurs while we are experiencing a mutable T-square of Jupiter in Sagittarius and the inner planets opposing Neptune in Pisces and the Full Moon. The inn