
Forecast for Oct 14-28, 2019



Please make the effort to map 17*- 23* of any sign in your chart for your personal clues as to how this Full Moon of Aries and Jupiter in Sag will activate you. First of all, this Aries Moon @ 20* will form a T-square with the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn. Outbursts and arguments abound. Make extra efforts to find compromise or simply “Agree to Disagree”. With Jupiter freshly direct and traveling from full phase to disseminating phase with Uranus Rx in Taurus, new exposures of lies, cover-ups and mis-directions result in anger at powerful plutocrats and their decision making processes. Jupiter is also in balsamic phase to this Pluto, further compounding the inevitable revelations of power and control over the masses and financial improprieties. Mars in Libra is squaring the nodes of the Moon and Saturn in Capricorn. The cardinal energy of initiating actions – just to the point of insecurity – contains a lot of emotion as well, so tension will remain in the air throughout October. As of this posting, Mercury has