
Forecast for Oct 29 - November 11, 2019



The New Moon of Scorpio at 4* opposes Uranus Rx in Taurus now reaching the halfway point of its 5 month retrograde cycle. We could feel animated and excited one moment followed by downdrafts into our unresolved emotional basket the next moment. The Sun in Scorpio mantra encourages us: "I metamorphose myself with emotional self-reliance" Mars in Libra first makes the last quarter square to Saturn and then a week later to Pluto. Are we giving our power away? Mars in Libra can be the happy chatterbox one moment and the judgmental gossiper the very next moment. This combo of Scorpio and Capricorn always involves doubts over or overt attempts at power and control. Mercury Rx in Scorpio piles on another element opening Pandora's Box on emotional and communication issues that have somehow been suppressed. Venus conjoins Mercury before entering Sagittarius Nov. 1st, inviting a deeper look into our core values and how we express them in our relationships. However, the major bass note to ponder is Uranus in Taurus wa