
Forecast for Dec 13-25, 2019



Full Moon in Gemini emphasizes clear and honest communications on the way to realizing, "What is the broadest level of cosmological truth that I can comprehend?" Chiron moves direct Dec. 12th @ 2* Aries and will also square the Sun in Capricorn. Chiron's tandem dance with Neptune in Pisces for the last decade has provided a unique synergy for spiritual healing. Now, after Chiron's 5 month retrograde period ask "How have I consciously evolved my relating issues with those closest to me the last 5 months?" Venus conjunct Saturn, and then Pluto, is all about sifting and shifting our value systems. This is also a maturation of the Soul but will also require an upgrade of our emotional intelligence and our emotional congruence. Jupiter in Capricorn makes a last quarter square to Chiron, conjuncts the south node of the Moon, and then finally trines Uranus @ 3*, slowing down stationary direct January 10th. Get the complete read-out in the Jupiter in Capricorn series now posted for sale on the Forecasting webinar's p