
Forecast for Feb 9-22, 2020



The Full Moon of Leo begs to be acknowledged. Our desire for this emotionally charged need is inversely proportional to our lack of self-love and self-acknowledgment. How well are you filling yourself up with self-love? The Sun in Pisces mantra: " I am in wholeness with my Reality" Mercury Retrograde in Pisces on Feb.16th demands clear communications in all things. Join us for the free comprehensive webinar on this transit Feb. 12th @ 6 MT. The free link comes in Astro Newsletter so please sign up and invite family, friends and colleagues. Mars gets busy with the waning inconjunct to Saturn @ 26* Capricorn. Our desire nature is experiencing a fruition phase until Mars conjoins Saturn @ 1* Aquarius March 21st and a new cycle of dedicated and innovative action commences. Mars also will help us reap rewards earned with the waning trine to Uranus in Taurus and the waning square to Chiron in Aries. Chiron conjunct Venus in Aries starts a new look at complimentary healing. Chiron's waning semi-sextile to Uranus in