
Forecast for Dec. 29 - Jan. 11, 2020



We either discover our let downs or inner peace after the holidays and a trying year with the Full Moon of Cancer. This is the most emotional full moon of the year. Remember emotional self-reliance = inner security. Mars' last square to the Capricorn stellium and the inner planets changing signs changes flavors, but the Wild Ride continues with many Jupiter aspects this podcast. Venus finishes up in Sag and moves into Capricorn Jan 8 - Feb. 1st. Along that journey, Venus is conjunct the south node and also makes a last quarter square to Neptune in Pisces. This important planetary pair is hard to grasp. Ask "What do I value most in my world"? "Where am I still confused"? What do I now believe on the very deepest levels possible"? Jupiter makes the waning semi-square to Neptune as well. This is balsamic phase, another Neptunian energy. Make time to resolve your core beliefs right now and attract your best gifts in 2021. Mercury in Aquarius from Jan. 8 - March 15th quests to understand. "What am I to learn now,