
Forecast for April 12-25, 2021



Welcome to the real initiations into the new Solar Year with this first New Moon of Aries. The cluster of Aries planets (Chiron,Mercury,Venus,Ceres,Sun and Moon) makes the waxing square to Pluto in late Capricorn attempting to break up those old, entrenched attitudes and bastions of control that have become even more desperate since Pluto's initial ingress into Cap in 2008. Saturn in Aquarius, leading the breakout for progressive visions, makes the last quarter square to Uranus in Taurus and replicates this upheaval of stability. Expect more Earth events like volcanoes, wildfires, Covid surges and floods causing mental distress and a flight to safety. Mercury, in air signs for nearly 7 months in 2021, makes conjunctions to Venus three times with the third conjunction May 29th. This inner planet menage a trois is rather rare, triggering spats over values, resources and relationships. Sun in Taurus mantra is: "I create self-reliance with every metamorphosis" Both planets will make the conjunction to Uranus in T