
Forecast for March 28 - April 10, 2021



The Aries mantra is : "I initiate with consideration of others" and with Sun, Venus, Chrion in Aries opposing the Moon we may have difficulty slow down enough to honor anyone else. All planets in direct motion and this Arian energy has us looking to balance our self-motivation and new starts. Play fair at home and at work. Venus pulls away from the Sun in a week or two becoming an evening star for all to enjoy this spring and summer. Chiron is busy making a waning semi-sextile to Uranus and the waxing semi-square to Jupiter. How aware of your self-healing are you? Have you noticed any Deja Vu moments or repeated messages coming through from past traumas? Go to the forecasting webinars page of EAN and get the Chiron in Aries info and your own personal house transit for more details. Mercury enters Aries interrupting communications and transportation. Impulsive behaviors are tested and we all seem to be a little short-tempered. Mercury's conjunction to Chiron April 8th is a focal point on this exciting self-hea