
Forecast for Jan. 11-27, 2020



The Past and the Future collide into the Present moment. Neptune's tight square to the nodal axis and Jupiter and Saturn winding down in balsamic phase to Pluto in Capricorn have us all processing the collective trauma unleashed by insurrectionists at the Peoples House. "What are our new goals as a country of citizens?" Uranus in Taurus, ruler of Aquarius and just stationary direct, conjuncts Mars and forms a crises in consciousness last quarter square to Jupiter/Saturn in Cap. Transiting Mars in Taurus makes the more active waxing square to the stellium and we are forced to process these events in order to resolve our national angst. The Sun in Aquarius mantra: "I break free with new creativity in myself" Choice points and a new sober reality on the ground require objectivity and retribution before we move forward into the healing phase on this surprisingly necessary journey to the core of the American Soul.