


StarLady uses Evolutionary Astrology to forecast on the New Moon and Full Moon of each month. These forecasts will involve the current transits of planets and signs. StarLady nourishes the Soul and rekindles your Spirit.


  • Forecast for Nov. 8-23, 2022

    07/11/2022 Duración: 32min

    We are only one week into the Mars Rx Gemini period (through January 12th, 2023) that is now seasoned by a Lunar Eclipse @ 16* Taurus-Scorpio. Emotions are ripe and patience becomes tested. Extremes of the Scorpio power grabs are evident all around us. The US Soul identity crisis continues as the polls close Tuesday, the US 22* Mars return is conjunct transiting Mars Rx @ 25* Gemini and squaring Neptune. Confusion meets complexity and deceit is in the air. Be open to revelations, as well, but any resolutions will have to wait until Jupiter direct and Sun in Sagittarius on this feisty journey to the core of our Souls and all the challenges to our long held beliefs in our sacred American institutions.

  • Forecast for Oct. 23 - Nov. 11, 2022

    23/10/2022 Duración: 29min

    South Node eclipse season forces us to look back to the past on where we may have abused power or given away our power. This process will bring up trust and abandonment issues and causes us to look deeply into our sense of self. Combine Saturn's transit in Aquarius square the nodes through most of 2022, and self-responsibility themes cause us to ask: "What am I really responsible for?" The Sun, Mercury and Venus in early Scorpio oppose Uranus in Taurus. The early degrees of the fixed signs in your chart will reveal the leading edge of growth for you personally. The Scorpio mantra: "I metamorphose myself with evolving self-reliance" We could manifest an inheritance or a surprising windfall. However, simplifying resource distribution for all is truly what we should be empowering. With all this Scorpio, the good, the bad, the ugly of dredged up emotional residue becomes much less daunting when we have the courage to address the issues in plain sight. Be objective. Finally, Mars Rx in Gemini aspects 5 outer plan

  • Forecast for Oct. 9-24, 2022

    07/10/2022 Duración: 34min

    This Full Moon @ 17* Aries occurs just Mercury has finished its retrograde and also opposes Chiron @ 17* Libra. To maximize your new ideas and intentions within relationships, you will now be required to shun any victimization stories and stand firm with healthy boundaries for all in your life. Venus, on the far side of the Sun is also conjunct the Full Moon adding an emotional arc to the relationship picture. What do you really desire and cherish in friends, family and intimate partners? This comes down to values and how we listen and interact in the moment. No chatty games, and please, no trolling. Mars in Gemini for nearly 7 months will add to the incessant mutability and unpredictability. Mars in Gemini from Oct. 30th to Jan. 12th, 2023. Get the full read out and all the transit details on our public forecasting webinar on Oct. 26th @ 6PM MT. Enrollments via the event newsletter landing in your EA inbox. Finally, Mars waxing squares to Neptune retrograde (three times) Oct. 12th offering up a dose of con

  • Forecast for Sept. 25 - Oct. 9, 2022

    24/09/2022 Duración: 35min

    This New Moon @ 3* Libra occurs just after Mercury's interior conjunction of the Sun @ 0* Libra. Details are scattered about and the phone rings just as you sit down for dinner. Patience with all the unpleasant interruptions becomes necessary. Mars in Gemini for nearly 7 months will add to the incessant mutability and unpredictability. Venus @ 26* Virgo opposes Neptune retrograde @ 24* Pisces prior to entering Libra September 29th, its own sign of rulership. Our relationship sphere becomes a focus now as we bridge into the last half of the zodiac just after the Fall Equinox. Venus will make a wide opposition to Jupiter in Aries accelerating the buzz on social media and banter throughout our various groups. Mercury will follow shortly after its retrograde, so the inner planets in Libra with the Sun adds excitability. Finally, there is a Grand Trine in earth signs with Pluto, Venus, and Uranus. 7 retrograde planets in the sky until Mercury, Pluto and Saturn go stationary direct in October. Rewards for prio

  • Forecast for July 27 - Aug 12, 2022

    26/07/2022 Duración: 34min

    The New Moon @ 6* Leo coincides with Jupiter stationing retrograde @ 9* Aries. Our new creative ideas and initiations of efforts could be thwarted if intentions are unclear. Remember the Leo mantra: "I align My Will with Divine Will" Jupiter will oppose the Sun September 26th and our two month review process of what to believe in and most importantly what must be deleted, should be rather complete. By far the most dynamic transit affecting the collective is the Mars Uranus North Node conjunction in Taurus. There will be a continuous stream of mental and emotional insights we must pay attention to so as to avoid any calamities. When the fixed signs are lit up like this, resistance can build, then break. Uranus @ 19* Taurus now, is truly a 7-year climate event testing our frayed nerves. The New Moon and the Leo planets will also oppose Saturn retrograde @ 23* Aquarius. It is tempting to behave somewhat selfishly because Leo needs to shine, but unless we take into account the sacred group and our various clans,

  • Forecast for June 28 - July 12, 2022

    28/06/2022 Duración: 32min

    The Sun in Cancer mantra: "I evolve emotionally with self-responsibility" This New Moon in Cancer finds us dealing with our emotions a bit more than we would wish as the summer season is at an apex in the northern climates. Yes, that is Jupiter @ 7* Aries creating a feisty aspect that may raise tensions, and possible conflicts and interruptions. Mars, also in Aries @ 28* makes the first quarter square to Pluto Rx in late Capricorn and our Souls are wanting to release the sticky and authoritarian residue of a long Capricorn transit that has taken away voting rights, crushed personal liberties, and has seen war break out in the name of national identity. Mars settles down in Taurus from July 5th to August 20th when it will eventually conjunct Uranus as well as square the Cancer inner planets and the Sun. Mars is not comfortable in Taurus and will act erratically. Mercury also finds fractured communications throughout its Cancer transit. Finally, Neptune joins Saturn Rx and Pluto Rx with a long 5 month retrogra

  • Forecast for June 14-27, 2022

    12/06/2022 Duración: 26min

    As we approach the summer solstice, the explosion of plants and flowers upon the landscape blesses us with Gemini diversity and we celebrate the nexus of our Life Force on planet Earth. The Sun in Cancer mantra: "I evolve emotionally with self-responsibility" This Full Moon make time to become aware of the feelings you are experiencing. A great time to anchor new levels of inner peace and inner reflection. Saturn, retrograde now in Aquarius, forms a t-square with the nodes of the Moon in Taurus-Scorpio and also remains in balsamic phase to Neptune. Disillusionment, shocks, and violent trauma unfold right before us collectively. These occurrences will continue throughout our summer until we demonstrate a collective ability to unite and solve the problems. Women's rights, Gun Safety, War, and Inflation are several wake-up calls. Finally, Mercury and Venus and Mars will pull ahead of the Cancer Sun, but not before Mars and Chiron align in unpredictable Aries. Mars' long transit through its own sign of confli

  • Forecast for May 30 - June 13, 2022

    30/05/2022 Duración: 29min

    The New Moon @ 9* Gemini offers new ideas and newer modes of expression for all to realize. Perhaps we could amend the somewhat divisive attempts at "gun control" by simply re-framing the term Gun Safety? Look for ways to neutralize confrontational language and tones of sarcasm that arouse stubborn fears. Mercury in Taurus makes the first quarter square to Saturn turning retrograde at 25* Aquarius. Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus on the north node. Both signatures can be deciphered by looking at our core values in very simple and useful ways. Finally, the waning semi-sextile of Saturn in Aquarius to Neptune in Pisces, both retrograde, is the bass-note of deep, subconscious growth. We are working through various karmas that allow for the dharma to be revealed in our lives. May your new desire nature unfold in unique and inspirational ways on your journey to the core of the Soul.

  • Forecast for April 1-15, 2022

    30/05/2022 Duración: 26min

    We have four planets from 9*-12* Aries as we kick off April 2022. If you have been experiencing some impatience, interruptions, and butt edits, this is why... The Aries mantra: "I initiate with consideration of others" A powerhouse of energy that may feel like your finger in the socket. That stellium in Aquarius of Venus, Mars and Saturn all squaring the nodal axis invites us to detach, objectify, individuate, and then, innovate. Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces will demand healthier boundaries for relating. Ask: "What would you have me know Source?" "What would you have me do Source?" Mercury will enter Taurus from April 4-29 and we continue to gather up our tidbits of inner security in preparation for Mercury's retrograde cycle in May. Mars becomes uncomfortable upon its ingress into Pisces April 14th. Breathe through the impulsiveness and take considered actions as all planets are now direct on this exciting journey to the core of the Soul.

  • Forecast for May 15-30, 2022

    15/05/2022 Duración: 29min

    Emotional energy and Life Force consolidations occur when Earth aligns with the nodal axis of the Moon. Watch the evening sky at 11pm Sunday for the blood red Full Moon lunar eclipse. Whatever needs to be released emotionally for you is now facilitated so Allow, Allow, Allow. Where have you been resistant or inconsistent with your responsibilities? Taurus Sun and Saturn square the nodes. Saturn and Uranus are extremely active resulting in systemic convulsions and institutional breakdowns. International co=operation and agreements are up for review. Supply chains are broken and in need of repair. Saturn waning semi-sextile Neptune emphasizes this dissolution. So ask, "How am I deepening my self-reliance?" The Sun in Gemini mantra: " I gather with intuitive searching" Move forward now and be congruent with your deepest beliefs. That will insure inspired actions when Mars begins a new two-year cycle soon with the Aries ingress.

  • Forecast for May 1-14, 2022

    01/05/2022 Duración: 32min

    On this Solar return weekend, StarLady shares a synchronous, poignant and very relevant expression of the nodal axis of the Moon and her recent experiences with Mom. Lots of Aries planets lining up emphasizing new beginnings and perhaps re-starts. How are you moving forward this spring with your considered actions? Mercury Retrograde, in Gemini-Taurus, will challenge some of the day to day decisions and activities. However, Mercury, also making the waxing sextile to Pluto and at the beginning of the crescent phase for these two planets is a fated aspect. Decisions made now will affect the rest of the planetary cycle for these two around the zodiac. Jupiter into Aries will make a waning semi-sextile to Uranus in Taurus. This is the beginning of the balsamic phase for these two, so some surprises could permeate our consciousness. We may see dissolution of current unsustainable social phenomena online and other collective anomalies in our worlds as our US Pluto return shakes, rattles and rolls on the journey to

  • Forecast for March 18 - April 1, 2022

    17/03/2022 Duración: 27min

    The Spring Equinox arrives with a distinct Aquarian/Piscean flavor this year. Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. Saturn in Aquarius square the nodal axis in fixed signs, exact on April 9th, lends to the dramatic shifts in collective opinions, autocratic pronouncements, and democratic processes. Mercury and the Sun enter Aries and will soon be followed by Venus and Mars soon this spring. Although the Aries mantra is: "I initiate with consideration of others" Do not expect a quick resolution to the Ukrainian conflict. Many last quarter squares reflect a certain crisis of consciousness on the planet. Putin and Zelensky's charts are highlighted here in this Full Moon Virgo podcast.

  • Forecast for April 15-29, 2022

    15/03/2022 Duración: 35min

    As we honor all religions this springtime in the observance of the Easter holiday there remain three major transits that persist in our awakening and in our evolution. First, Pluto in Capricorn (26*) forms a T-square with this full moon and will also begin its final complete retrograde cycle in the sign of Capricorn April 29th. This symbolizes throwing off the entrenchments of power we are witnessing through the rising autocracies around the world and incessant corporate consolidations. Second, Saturn in Aquarius squaring the nodal axis in Taurus-Scorpio invites us to focus on the new insights we have gained through the long Capricornian transits of Saturn and Pluto. Ask where you are still clinging to old fears and distrust in your world. Is your world a safe place, or not? Lastly, Neptune and Jupiter's conjunction @ 24* Pisces lights up our charts for a while. Consider your mediation time as necessary to calm down and surrender to the flow of Life. The risk in not doing so severs the thread with Source a

  • Forecast for March 1-18, 2022

    01/03/2022 Duración: 28min

    New Moon Pisces major transits include a New Moon conjunct Jupiter @ 12* Pisces. This is an initiation of energy that culminates in April when Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in the sky. Energize peace on the planet. Saturn and Mercury conjunct in Aquarius @ 19*. Rebellion and power shifts. Other surprises and upsets to the regular order. Mars conjunct Venus in Capricorn adds a deep seriousness and reveals contrasting values. War resistance, public demonstrations abound. There is a real danger of miscalculation between now and April 6th when these two planets enter Aquarius.

  • Forecast for Feb. 15-28, 2022

    15/02/2022 Duración: 32min

    Full Moon in late Leo (28*) square the nodal axis (28* Leo-Aquarius) may cause a certain rigidity or even some major disruptions as the emotional pressure meets resistance to change. Collectively, this could mean challenges spearheading projects on the job as everyone instinctively digs in a bit. Personally in relationship, there could be an awareness of affairs, seduction games and the resulting betrayals of trust. Do not judge, but rather pay attention to intuitive hints of change and flexibility efforts to avoid any drama. The USA first Pluto return as a country continues to reveal open divisiveness as bloodsport. Mars conjunct Venus in Capricorn adds to the right vs. wrong dialogue and possible conflicts. Jupiter is busy expanding everything with aspects to Uranus and Pluto. Jupiter in balsamic phase to Neptune accelerates our inner psychological joust with beliefs and spirituality so, regardless of outer events, ask for clarity on your personal journey to the core of your Soul.

  • Forecast for Jan. 31 - Feb. 15, 2022

    31/01/2022 Duración: 34min

    The New Moon Aquarian mantra is: "I break free with new creativity within myself" and that now becomes the theme for the next several months as all planets are now in direct motion until another Pluto retrograde April 29th. Forward thinking projects and novel ways of solving problems are facilitated. We are at the halfway point (cross quarter) to spring so you may wish to participate in divining ceremonies. Offer up to the fire what has been holding you back and release it to the universe. Ask Jupiter to assist. Invoke Jupiter waxing semi-sextile to Chiron and the waxing sextile to Uranus. The whole health and wellness, self-healing arts and complimentary medicines are highlighted for use and results are achieved. Collective and personal cycles are colliding now just in time for the first USA Pluto return. The New Moon will pull us forward out of the late Capricornian control spasms. Get out your charts and map 27* of the cardinal signs and know that is now the hot leading edge of evolution on the planet. Fin

  • Forecast for Jan. 2-17, 2022

    02/01/2022 Duración: 28min

    This New Moon in Capricorn conjoins the inner planets and then Pluto. This combo energizes all things practical, serious, and goal-oriented. Later next week, the Sun also conjoins Pluto and the Capricorn themes deepen. Remember: Ultimate Self-Responsibility yields Ultimate Freedom Exacerbating this process towards self-reliance, Jupiter @ 1* Pisces will square the last of the Gemini-Sag nodes just prior to those nodes moving into Taurus-Scorpio later this month. Get all the details of this transference of emotional energy on the webinar scheduled for Jan.17th. However, suffice to say that this last gasp of mutability will enhance the frenzy associated with the holidays, back to school  and related details. Uranus goes direct and Mercury retrograde adding fuel to this fire. Simply reflect on which parts of this increasingly material world that we value the most and expend energy in those directions. Finally, Mars will square Neptune causing frustrations and even a stock market correction. Mars Neptune hits alw

  • Forecast for Dec. 19 - Jan. 1, 2022

    17/12/2021 Duración: 31min

    The Full Moon of Gemini December 18th creates a T-square with Neptune in Pisces. Saturn in Aquarius makes a T-square with the nodal axis finishing up the mutable Gemini-Sag cycle Saturn also makes the final exact square to Uranus in Taurus.Ask "Which areas of collective social participation seem to be breaking down the fastest?" Join us for all the January forecasting webinars including the 2022 Forecast, Nodes to Taurus-Scorpio, and Mercury Rx.

  • Forecast for Dec. 4-18, 2021

    01/12/2021 Duración: 27min

    Some emotional relief arrives after the weekend and the Solar Eclipse. South node eclipse season emphasizes how we have operated in the past and in the signs of Sag-Gemini, self honesty is key. Venus retrograde in Capricorn will offer us opportunity to re-assess financial issues. Postpone major decisions until late January. Get more details on the public forecasting webinar Dec. 13th. Get on Astro News for the link. Mars in Sagittarius Dec.13 - Jan.24th can be a bit unnerving, impulsive and righteous. Finally, Neptune is now going direct @ 21* Pisces. It forms squares to the Solar Eclipse/Mercury. In addition, Neptune will continue to be a focal point culminating at the conjunction with Jupiter in April. Lots of opportunity for epiphanies and clarity on this grand journey to the core of the Soul.

  • Forecast for Nov. 19 - Dec. 3, 2021

    16/11/2021 Duración: 35min

    Jupiter @ 25* Aquarius waxing square to the nodal axis @ 2* Gemini-Sag Jupiter @25* Aquarius T-Square to the Moon @ 27* Taurus Mars @ 13* Scorpio oppose Uranus @ 12* Taurus making a T-Square to Saturn @ 8* Aquarius Neptune stationary direct Dec. 1st @ 20* Pisces

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