
Forecast for Jan. 28 - Feb. 11, 2021



January will be known as Jupiter month when that gas giant made powerful aspects to four planets and the nodal axis resulting in an acceleration of the already unpredictable Aquarian shift. Suppressed Capricornian attitudes got fired up and manifested pathological behaviors, hyper-activity, anarchy, and open rebellion. "I break free with new creativity in myself" is the Aquarian mantra. Mercury, freshly retrograde, joins Venus, and the Sun on this Full Moon Leo podcast. This makes a T-square with Mars and Uranus in steady Taurus. This full moon energy and the inner planets in Aquarius are voices in the choir and should offer insights and epiphanies on how to become utterly self-responsible amidst the changing value systems and earth changes witnessed this past year. Ask for the flashes of wisdom that comes with Mars/Uranus and then adapt, adjust and advance on this progressive journey to the core of the Soul.