
Forecast for July 23 - August 8, 2021



This Full Moon in the sign of Objectivity, Aquarius, will assist in our equilibrium. That bass note of the Saturn in Aquarius (Uranus' sign) last quarter square to Uranus in stodgy Taurus continues to highlight all the current tension between Truth vs. Lies, inclusive politics and policies vs. exclusive ones, and building bridges rather than erecting walls and barriers. Where are you letting go and moving forward? How often do you lean towards security choices rather than seeing the glass half full and evolving in those directions? We have five planets changing signs in July. Venus and Mars in Virgo leads the way, making the opposition to Jupiter in Pisces. Jupiter is new phase to Saturn. Aha moments and flashes of future messaging opens us up to how we will now expend our energy and resources. With this Sun in Leo, play becomes paramount and fulfills our inner needs and inspires creativity on this always fun and rollicking journey to the core of our Soul.