
Forecast for Nov. 4-18, 2021



This New Moon @13* Scorpio presents a T-square with the opposition to Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius. With so much energy aligned in fixed signs, expect confrontations at home and office. Mercury, in Scorpio through Nov. 24th and Mars also in Scorpio through Dec. 13th, do not avoid. After all, the mantra is: "I metamorphose myself with evolving self-reliance" Venus is uncomfortable in Capricorn until mid-March and with its upcoming retrograde Dec. 19th, a deep re-evaluation of all relationships public and private will ensue. This process will reveal shifts in our core value systems (Venus) hence modifying our desires (Mars). Look for epiphanies along the way and clearer resolution not until early 2022 (Venus/Mars conjunction). All will feel very personal throughout the remainder of 2021. Sun, Mercury and Mars will all make their waning aspects to the outer planets and provide the necessary pressure to find your next level of growth and evolution to open the core of your Soul.