


#GetMerry is all about giving you the action steps you need to create healthier, happier, merrier days, weeks, months, years... lives. Each week we'll bring you fun stories (our stories!) and 'lessons' plus we'll invite the occasional EPIC guest to share the mic with us! Let's Get Merry with it!


  • 368: media, interview and presentation skills

    10/04/2023 Duración: 46min

    In this episode, we chat about sharing your story publicly. If you struggle with anxiety and nerves when speaking and sharing your story, this episode is for you! Whether you're getting interviewed on a podcast or on national TV. Or maybe it's networking at a business conference or social event. This episode is highly actionable and we're sure you'll feel more confident for your next speaking opportunity.This is what we spoke about during the episodeCommunication, conversation, and relationship building are important in every single field.There are simple ways to prepare yourself for any situation.Prepare yourself. Have insight and something in your back pocket, do not go into an event or interview opportunity with zero information.Be educational, entertaining and interesting.Any media is an opportunity for you to get free advertising and if you have your key messages, it can lead to an amazing outcome.Bring in a story to get your point across or weave your key messages through story. People connect and

  • 367: Is judgement actually insecurity?

    03/04/2023 Duración: 20min

    Is judgement actually just insecurity? When you put someone else down, out loud or in your mind, is it just a reflection of your insecurities? We chat about this and so much more! Tune in!This is what we spoke about during the episodeJudgment is part of our lives, especially the judgment of women's bodies.Is it human nature to be judgmental? Is all judgment rude? Discussions! In our previous episode 258: Negative body image, interview with clinical psychologist Miriam Emad, Miriam talked about how we label things based on past experiences and put them into boxes within our brain.Some people are just mean and insecure that they want to make you feel bad and put you down in order to feel good about themselves.Judgment is also a necessary survival tool.Awareness of who you're hurting (including yourself) and then deciding to stop being so judgmental. If you loved this episode, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to carla@themerrymakersisters.com or emma@themerrymakersisters.com or message

  • 366: Losing yourself in relationships

    28/03/2023 Duración: 25min

    At Carla's recent Hen Parties (yes... there were 2!) everyone wrote a piece of advice regarding marriage and relationships. A common thread was about keeping your individual selves within the marriage. It's quite easy to lose yourself in a relationship, married or not! We chat on this topic and more.This is what we spoke about during the episodeWhen Joel and I started dating five years ago, I definitely lost myself in the beginning. The book Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés completely changed my life and how I approach my relationship.It's a lot easier to keep your individual self when you have a really strong sense of yourself.Why setting boundaries and prioritising the relationship with yourself is important.Don't wait for the relationship, do all the things alone.What to do if you have lost yourself?If you loved this episode, we would love to hear from you, send us an email to carla@themerrymakersisters.com or emma@themerrymakersisters.com or message us on our Facebook and Instagram

  • 365: The dance between self acceptance and ambition

    20/03/2023 Duración: 21min

    In this episode, we chat about the dance between self-acceptance, striving and having ambition. How can we strive for excellence and still practice self-acceptance without suffering?This is what we spoke about during the episodeSelf-acceptance is not complacency. It's not 'not striving'. It's trying your best but not beating yourself up when you fall short or don't achieve your goal.Self-acceptance reduces so much suffering and judgment of self and of others. It's not a reason to stop trying.If we release the expectation and the attachment to the outcome, we can still strive for the joy of the work.As you get older, you start to realise that it's not the big things in life. It is the day to day stuff that really adds up to the life.You can forget the magic of life if you get carried away by end goals and obsessed with material things.Instead of getting so caught up in our work, end goals, and in the forever striving, how about we be grateful and make time for the people and the things we love?We would love to

  • 364: Do you lack confidence?

    14/03/2023 Duración: 38min

    Do you lack confidence? In this episode, we chat about confidence and ideas on how to build it.This is what we spoke about during the episodeGrowing up, I used to lack confidence. I was afraid of even the tiniest criticism and forever felt like people would laugh at me.Carla, on the other hand, was more confident. It wasn't until her late teens that she started to worry about what people thought of her.Having the confidence to be yourself means showing up as you.Knowledge of the ego helps you get out of self-doubt it helps you build confidence. We'll talk a lot more about this in our yoga teacher training.Discussing our inner thoughts and experiences helps us gain confidence. Allow feedback and constructive criticism.Reflect on your accomplishments through journaling or telling a friend.Say yes to something you've never done before.Speak and present in front of people, and ask questions.Confidence is a topic we love to talk about. If you take on one of these action steps, let us know. We would love to hear fr

  • 363: The 10 Minute Workout

    07/03/2023 Duración: 26min

    In this episode, we chat about the 10 minute workout which we're massive fans of.Yes, the 10 minute workout can and will change your life in many, many ways.This is what we spoke about during the episodeWe used to believe with all our hearts, minds that if you did not do at least a one-hour workout, there was absolutely no point.We have to lose the idea that workouts have to be a certain amount of time and that they have to leave you feeling depleted, tired, dripping in sweat and in pain.Emily May, our expert trainer and resident Naturopath within our MerryBody yoga teacher training, emphasised how HIIT workouts can do more harm than good.Diet culture never taught us about the benefits of exercise; we were only taught it's a tool to lose weight. Can we let go of that single focused goal of losing weight and instead realise that 10 minutes of exercise is helping your body?Don't work for a summer body, work for your old person body.We go through a bunch of ideas for your 10 minute workouts. Also, check out our

  • 362: How to plan and budget better

    28/02/2023 Duración: 39min

    In this episode, we're talking about planning, organisation and budgeting. How we do it individually and together with our business.This is what we spoke about during the episodeWhen we first started MerryBody, it was very overwhelming. As time passed, we systemised MerryBody and outsourced a lot of our tasks. Having MerryBody already systemised and process-driven allowed space to create our new project, the yoga teacher training program.Outline your first 5 steps and the next steps become clearer.Set a date for when you're going to do the steps.How Emma and Damiano planned their trip to Italy, and how Carla and Joel planned their wedding.We love spreadsheets.As soon as the money hits your accounts, save some.We would love to hear from you, send us an email to carla@themerrymakersisters.com or emma@themerrymakersisters.com or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.Download our FREE Self Care Checklist and you’ll find 50 brand new ideas to practice self-care.Always me

  • 361: Business stories and advice after 10 years in biz

    21/02/2023 Duración: 51min

    One of our MerryBody members, Rebecca, messaged us with questions about taking the leap. The leap to quit your job and start a business. In this episode, we chat about our business journey and offer advice on this topic. After ten years of business, we have learnt a thing or two! If you're looking for advice on quitting your job, this episode is for you!This is what we spoke about during the episodeIn our early 20s, we realised that life wasn't just about work. We highly recommend watching the documentary Finding Joe.Our business is passion-driven, in that we love what we're sharing and creating. When we stop feeling that bliss or experiencing that joy and passion, we pivot and make a change.Mindset is your biggest tool when it comes to business.No formula or guide will work exactly the same in your situation. But of course, these guides, people and experts are there to help, motivate and inspire.How did we begin our business? From posting our journey on Carla's Instagram to blogging to coming up with th

  • 360: New house, 7 weeks in Italy and wedding bells

    14/02/2023 Duración: 57min

    February is the actual start of the year right? Well, this is our official first episode of 2023. In this episode we chat, the new house, 7 weeks in Italy (omgosh it was amazing) and Carla’s upcoming wedding!This is what we spoke about during the episodeWe are now recording in Emma’s new home. Moving house was very stressful but I’m excited to not be in rentals anymore. Yay!Four weeks after moving in, Damiano and I were off to Italy for seven weeks. For me, it was a much-needed break from that whole moving house situation. And wow was it a beautiful adventure! While in Italy, food anxiety came up but only for a few moments here and there. It felt like it was the final healing from my old way of thinking and my very toxic relationship with food, diet and exercise.Consistent and conscious practice of self-acceptance and gratitude really works. It allowed me to experience one of the most beautiful things (the Italian way of life!). I talk more about this! All our practices within MerryBody, meditation,

  • 359: No more New Year diets

    15/01/2023 Duración: 21min

    New Year is a great time to create a goal, actually, any time of the year is!However, the diet culture New Year messages suck.And no doubt, you've already been bombarded with endless New Year diet messages. Messages about bikini body challenges, 12-week quick fixes or transformation challenges.This year, is it time to say No more New Year diets? Because crash diets are designed for weight loss, they're not designed for health! Do we need to say it louder?This is what we spoke about during the episodeWhat if we did put on weight over the holidays? Does it matter? Do we need to feel crap about it? Or just accept it?Our bodies can fluctuate weights. And so?Practising self-acceptance is like a muscle, the more you do it, the easier it becomes.“We can't hate ourselves into a version of ourselves we can love.” — Lori Deschene. Real change comes from acceptance.Your weight doesn't define your health. We'll remind you again and again!There are other ways to maintain a happy, healthy life, and healthy mind.Check out w

  • 358: Your higher power, something bigger and the Crown Chakra

    08/01/2023 Duración: 16min

    This is the seventh of our 7 episode Holiday Series. Emma is currently in Italy, we've pre-recorded this podcast episode for you to enjoy!There were 7 weeks and 7 episodes, so we thought what better topic than the 7 Chakras of the main Chakra System! This episode is all about the Crown Chakra, your connection to the divine, perhaps to some higher power or to your purpose.This is what we spoke about during the episodeThe Crown Chakra is the only chakra that lies outside of your body. It's located on top of your head and represented by a lotus flower that's said to have a thousand petals.Meditation helps us connect to the Crown Chakra.Instead of thinking about "me, me, me", think more of the "we". The interconnectedness of humans and the rest of the world.To feel grounded but open to receive. We're not meant to control everything, so we surrender and allow it all to unfold.Inside MerryBody we have a Chakra Masterclass Series where you can learn different Yoga poses, mudras and mantras to open and activate

  • 357: Intuition, making decisions and the Third Eye Chakra

    01/01/2023 Duración: 20min

    This is the sixth of our 7 episode Holiday Series. Emma is currently in Italy, we've pre-recorded this podcast episode for you to enjoy!There were 7 weeks and 7 episodes, so we thought what better topic than the 7 Chakras of the main Chakra System! This episode is all about your intuition, your inner wisdom, your inner knowing. It's about the guide within, your third eye, the eye that knows and sees more than your two physical eyes.This is what we spoke about during the episodeWhen you struggle in making decisions and always want to look for external advice.Do you always allow other people to make tough decisions for you?Your Third Eye Chakra is located in the space between your eyebrows, represented by a bright violet color and is all about tuning in to your inner wisdom.Everything that we're looking for is right within us. Make space and meditate when you're struggling with connecting to your intuition. Be still, breathe, tune in to yourself, ask questions and allow space for an answer.Inside MerryBody

  • 356: Communication, truth-telling and the Throat Chakra

    25/12/2022 Duración: 12min

    This is the fifth of our 7 episode Holiday Series. Emma is currently in Italy, we've pre-recorded this podcast episode for you to enjoy!There were 7 weeks and 7 episodes, so we thought what better topic than the 7 Chakras of the main Chakra System. We're up to the Throat Chakra.Have you ever felt like you were not able to speak your truth out of fear of looking silly or upsetting someone? In this episode, we chat about speaking your truth.This is what we spoke about during the episodeYou can be a good communicator in one aspect of your life but be terrible in another. For example, maybe you can communicate confidently at work but you struggle in relationships. When you speak your truth, you feel relieved but sometimes it can have repercussions that you have to deal with.Difficult conversations lead to growth.When is it the right time to hide the truth?Inside MerryBody we have a Chakra Masterclass Series where you can learn different Yoga poses, mudras and mantras to open and activate each Chakra. To acce

  • 355: Kindness, love, compassion and the Heart Chakra

    18/12/2022 Duración: 16min

    This is the fourth of our 7 episode Holiday Series. Emma is currently in Italy, we've pre-recorded this podcast episode for you to enjoy!There were 7 weeks and 7 episodes, so we thought what better topic than the 7 Chakras of the main Chakra System! This episode is dedicated to the Heart Chakra and how we allow ourselves to feel loved, and be more kind, loving, patient and compassionate towards others.This is what we spoke about during the episodeA presence practice helps you be more loving. When you meditate more, you become more patient, understanding, and empathetic towards others.Do things with no expectation and with detachment.When you're living in fear, then it can mean that your Heart Chakra is blocked. A great way to unblock this is to turn inwards and work on the process of loving yourself.Yoga poses that focus on opening the Heart Chakra counteract sedentary living. To sit at your desk all day or be on your phone with rounded shoulders is not good at all. Inside MerryBody we have a Chakra Mast

  • 354: Confidence, self-esteem and the Solar Plexus Chakra

    11/12/2022 Duración: 14min

    This is the third of our 7 episode Holiday Series. Emma is currently in Italy, we've pre-recorded this podcast episode for you to enjoy!There were 7 weeks and 7 episodes, so we thought what better topic than the 7 Chakras of the main Chakra System! This episode is all about your inner confidence, willpower and motivation.This is what we spoke about during the episodeMotivation is the number one struggle for many people, especially with exercise or welcoming in a new habit.Check-in with how you feel in all life situations. Do you have the confidence to be yourself?Confidence is not being the loudest, brightest, and shiniest person in the room. It's knowing who you are and showing up exactly as that.Our confidence is linked to how we show up physically and hold ourselves in space. When our posture is rounded, when we're looking down at our feet and don't want to make eye contact, these actions signal a lack of self-confidence.Our physicality is connected to the way we feel and vice versa. It's our mind-body con

  • 353: Joy, Pleasure and the Sacral Chakra

    04/12/2022 Duración: 14min

    This is the second of our 7 episode Holiday Series. Emma is currently in Italy, we've pre-recorded this podcast episode for you to enjoy!There were 7 weeks and 7 episodes, so we thought what better topic than the 7 Chakras of the main Chakra System! During this episode, we're talking creativity, pleasure, joy and the Sacral Chakra.This is what we spoke about during the episodeWhy is creativity important? It's the energy of our souls and the magic juice of life.“Medicine, law, business, engineering, these are all noble pursuits, and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.” ― Dead Poet's SocietyDo you have a creative outlet that provides that "wow" feeling? If you think you're not a creative person, it is not true!The Sacral Chakra is linked to the level of joy and pleasure that we allow ourselves to experience.A part of being creative is acknowledging and seeing creativity. It doesn't necessarily have to be you. It can be a piece of music that inspires yo

  • 352: Career, Finances and the Base Chakra

    27/11/2022 Duración: 12min

    This is the first of our 7 episode Holiday Series. Emma is currently in Italy, we've pre-recorded this podcast episode for you to enjoy!There were 7 weeks and 7 episodes, so we thought what better topic than the 7 Chakras of the main Chakra System! We start with the Base Chakra, it's time to check in with your foundations!This is what we spoke about during the episodeHow are your foundations set up? We're talking about the day-to-day necessities in life such as your finances, food, safety and shelter.Get on top of your finances. Finance books for business like Profit First by Mike Michalowicz or Think and Grow Rich.Don't spend your money on stuff you don't need. It's having awareness of what's coming in and what's going out.Check in with your goals and where you want to direct your money.Have a buffer in case of a financial emergency.The Base Chakra is directly linked to foundations where we feel grounded and connected to the earth. Take a moment of reflection and get curious. Journal or do a meditation.

  • 351: Don’t budget, make more

    21/11/2022 Duración: 31min

    “Don’t worry about spending too much. Instead of worrying about budgeting, focus on making more money.” — Ramit SethiLast week we spoke about budgeting, this week we’re talking about making more money! This is what we spoke about during the episodeHow you’re making money is just as important as how much money you make. Check in with your morals and ethics on how you make money.Ask for a pay rise if you’ve been doing your job well.  make extra cash by teaching, online or in-person.Sell your services, even on Facebook Marketplace! Lease your apartment through Airbnb, host local experiences.Allocate your extra earnings to investments, lifestyle, or your buffer.If you can build something, build it. There’s no one exactly like you, you have magic to share.Look around your home for the things that you can sell. It’s also cool to recycle and buy second hand. You not only save your wallet but the world, too.If you’re interested in our upcoming Yoga Teacher Training, join the waitlist over her

  • 350: How to budget over the holiday season (and in general)

    15/11/2022 Duración: 39min

    We are excited to be recording this episode in a brand new space, in Emma’s new home. In this episode, we chat about budgeting over the holiday season and how not to blow your budget. As business owners, we’ve gone through this journey of having lots of cash and then nothing, so through the ups and downs, we’ve become very good at budgeting for our business. And for our lives.This is what we spoke about during the episodeYou have to be realistic about how much you can spend and how much you can save. Awareness is important.We don’t have a credit card. The cons outweigh the pros.Spend less than you make.Whether you have a business or a salary, aim to have a financial buffer in your bank. 3 months, 6 months, 1 year of salary or expenses. Know where your money is going, check-in and reevaluate what’s necessary and what’s not. Cashflow forecasts are really great tools to monitor your income vs. expenses.Make it a goal to bring up the money subject with your partner.Seek therapy when money impacts your mental

  • 349: Breathwork technique to calm the mind and body

    08/11/2022 Duración: 13min

    In this episode, we share a practice that will bring you into the present moment. It's a breathwork technique that will create a sense of calm. It will help you let go of stress and anxiety. This practice is a Pranayama technique which translates to life force control. Most people think that it's breath control but actually "prana" is like an energy force that lives within and around the body that moves in, out and through each other. It's important to flush this energy.Let us know how you enjoy this breathwork technique! It's important to not be driving or operating any machinery while doing the breathwork. This is what we spoke about during the episodeMany pranayama techniques are designed to calm and ground, while some create heat and invigorate the body.Alternate nostril breathing is an example of a calming and balancing practice.Sama Vritti, also known as equal breath or box breathing is another example that welcomes a sense of calm and peace.Kapalabathi breath or skull-shining breath, where you do

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