
364: Do you lack confidence?



Do you lack confidence? In this episode, we chat about confidence and ideas on how to build it.This is what we spoke about during the episodeGrowing up, I used to lack confidence. I was afraid of even the tiniest criticism and forever felt like people would laugh at me.Carla, on the other hand, was more confident. It wasn't until her late teens that she started to worry about what people thought of her.Having the confidence to be yourself means showing up as you.Knowledge of the ego helps you get out of self-doubt it helps you build confidence. We'll talk a lot more about this in our yoga teacher training.Discussing our inner thoughts and experiences helps us gain confidence. Allow feedback and constructive criticism.Reflect on your accomplishments through journaling or telling a friend.Say yes to something you've never done before.Speak and present in front of people, and ask questions.Confidence is a topic we love to talk about. If you take on one of these action steps, let us know. We would love to hear fr