
361: Business stories and advice after 10 years in biz



One of our MerryBody members, Rebecca, messaged us with questions about taking the leap. The leap to quit your job and start a business. In this episode, we chat about our business journey and offer advice on this topic. After ten years of business, we have learnt a thing or two! If you're looking for advice on quitting your job, this episode is for you!This is what we spoke about during the episodeIn our early 20s, we realised that life wasn't just about work. We highly recommend watching the documentary Finding Joe.Our business is passion-driven, in that we love what we're sharing and creating. When we stop feeling that bliss or experiencing that joy and passion, we pivot and make a change.Mindset is your biggest tool when it comes to business.No formula or guide will work exactly the same in your situation. But of course, these guides, people and experts are there to help, motivate and inspire.How did we begin our business? From posting our journey on Carla's Instagram to blogging to coming up with th