
365: The dance between self acceptance and ambition



In this episode, we chat about the dance between self-acceptance, striving and having ambition. How can we strive for excellence and still practice self-acceptance without suffering?This is what we spoke about during the episodeSelf-acceptance is not complacency. It's not 'not striving'. It's trying your best but not beating yourself up when you fall short or don't achieve your goal.Self-acceptance reduces so much suffering and judgment of self and of others. It's not a reason to stop trying.If we release the expectation and the attachment to the outcome, we can still strive for the joy of the work.As you get older, you start to realise that it's not the big things in life. It is the day to day stuff that really adds up to the life.You can forget the magic of life if you get carried away by end goals and obsessed with material things.Instead of getting so caught up in our work, end goals, and in the forever striving, how about we be grateful and make time for the people and the things we love?We would love to