Connect The Dots



Presented by nine dots and hosted by Geoffrey Klein, Connect the dots podcast share stories of success and the dots that people connect along the way. In Season 1, Geoffrey interviews successful individuals to explore their path to success and examines the dynamic between luck or happenstance and intentional planning and the choices people make. From successful CEOs to an Academy Award winner, the aim is to be entertained through these conversations while hopefully gaining some useful insights as well. In the end, the goal is to help othersconnect the dots. Thanks for listening.


  • S4E8 Donny Makower | My Plant-Based Life


    In this week’s podcast, we talk with Donny Makower, whose storytelling is as captivating as he is. A dramatic event in his family changed the course of Donny’s life, and the impact it had on him has become the focus of both his professional and personal endeavors. Donny is the CEO and Co-Founder of RDCL Superfoods, an innovative new brand that develops plant-based, functional, superfood products. Donny also champions and promotes the health, ethical, and ecological benefits of vegan, cruelty-free living, and aims to help people build healthy habits by leveraging the power of plants. We cover a wide variety of fascinating topics related to health, plant-based living, animal advocacy, and more. I am inspired and honored to call Donny one of my closest friends. Mentions: RDCL Superfoods  Use code GETRDCL for 20% off your order Connect with Donny: LinkedIn Instagram Facebook Pinterest Connect with nine dots: E-mail Geoffrey nine dots Media Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Facebook

  • S4E7 Steven Goodman | It’s A Wonderful Life


    About This Episode: In this week’s podcast we talk with entrepreneur extraordinaire Steven Goodman. After he left school at only age 15, Steven experimented with several businesses from his late teenage years from manufacturing, to selling kitchens, to running a Kosher style deli, to selling jewelry and textiles, running a restaurant, selling insurance policies and even working as a traveling salesman of greeting cards and adult toys.  He finally settled in the real estate market, where he has been able to share his enthusiasm for talking, reading people, and sharing his infectious positivity. Doing what he loves has always inspired Steven, as has his attention to details about the things that interest him most. Whether he is looking for the angle, flying by the seat of his pants or waiting for the feeling in his waters, Steven’s instinct has powered him forward where he has enjoyed his work and life so much that he finds it difficult to slow down. No matter how much money one has, happiness is not something

  • S4E6 Dr. Bill Bares | Music Is Life


     About This Episode You might think that being such an accomplished musician, that my guest, jazz professor Dr. Bill Bares, played from a very young age. Bill’s story, however, has taken some unexpected twists and turns. Just like jazz, Bill’s journey can be characterized by improvisation, a strong distinctive tone & performance techniques, and syncopated rhythmic patterns.  We hear about his music through story and the story of his music in our talk with Bill, and hear about some of the jazz greats who influenced him to write and perform along the way.   It is not clear whether Bill is a musician that happens to be an academic or an academic who happens to be a musician – and therein lies the beauty of Bill’s character and personality. As one of my closest friends, listening to Bill play on the piano has always been music to my ears and now with live jazz piano mini-performances in this episode, you can enjoy it as well.  Connect with Bill: University of North

  • S4E5 Ruth Goodman | Keep Calm and Sew On

    27/01/2021 Duración: 34min

     About This Episode: Born and raised in Manchester England, after the second World War, Ruth was inspired by her parents to appreciate the simple and happy childhood she was given.  By carrying on the legacy of her family values, she has been a life-long role model for creativity, volunteer and charity work to anyone who meets her. In the post war years, color, dressmaking and fashion inspired Ruth to learn to sew, and this was the beginning of a lifetime of enjoying and honing her creativity which has grown into a variety of talents and skills that she shares with others in both her work and personal life.  She was upcycling and redesigning before it was a ‘thing’ and is known in her family as an ambassador for the make-do and mend attitude in her daughters and their families. We hear how Ruth learned the value and entertainment of storytelling from her parents at a young age and how together through the tireless and rewarding voluntary work she has done over the years, she has had the opportunity to continu

  • S4E3: Edward Lees | Invest In Your Own Ideas


    About This Episode: In this week’s podcast, we invest our time talking with seasoned financial and investment professional, sustainable hedge fund manager, Edward Lees. According to the Financial Times Edward’s fund was the #1 sustainable equity fund globally in 2020 and then #2 equity fund across all categories globally. Edward’s focus is on sustainability and environmental social governance – which combine his personal and professional interests.  We learn some tips for investing and although we do not have an inside track to the future of the markets, we hear about trends both long term and short term. Edward’s versatile background from working with his hands, to studying neuroscience to working in investment banking, influences and shapes his perspective and approach to business. Edward’s extensive travels from Hawaii to China and everywhere in between have exposed him to the different thoughts and beliefs of people across the world.  As an American living in London, worldly is an understatement. Fu

  • S4E3: Emmy Miller | Lasting Impact


    About This Episode: In this week’s podcast, we talk with executive coach, leader and business owner Emmy Miller. Growing up as an immigrant child, Emmy had a somewhat un-American childhood. As a young child, she was exposed to the arts and European literature, but rebelled as a teenager and went on to study math and business. Choosing independence and leveraging her upbringing, Emmy carved out a career in helping others that has expanded over four decades.   Her success comes from a passion in helping others to be successful. Encouraging the use of storytelling in business Emmy creates an environment for her clients to explore their vulnerability on a journey to being the best version of themselves and achieving their goals. Emmy recognizes the importance of the role that culture and cultural intelligence play in today’s  global business world and she seeks to make a difference in the lives of her clients and family. Geoffrey has had the benefit of her professional and personal influence and is proud to

  • S4E2: Mike Jackson | Shine A Light


    About This Episode: In this week’s podcast, we hang out with the one of Geoffrey’s closest friends, Mike Jackson, an award-winning producer as  a partner at Get Lifted Film Co. We hear about his exciting journey beginning with his professional nomadic roots that eventually lead him to Hollywood and into his current roles – father, family man, and film, tv and theater producer. From a young boy inspired by his father’s creative storytelling, Jackson was encouraged to tell tall tales and create moments out of any situation – traits that have served him well in his career. Jackson specializes in producing content that creates awareness and highlights the stories of diverse people, protecting and rehabilitating culture in the entertainment industry. His continuing award-winning body of work shares impactful, multicultural stories that connect with an equally diverse audience.  Mentions: Jingle Jangle 40 Years a Prisoner Giving Voice Connect with Mike Jackson: Instagram Connect with nine dots: 

  • S4E1: Rabbi Vicki Axe | Count Your Blessings

    30/12/2020 Duración: 43min

    About This Episode: In this week’s podcast, we visit with Rabbi Vicki L. Axe.   Singer, choir geek, teacher, clergy, wife, mother, grandmother and rabbi to name but a few roles Rabbi Axe has held in her diverse life.  Inspired in childhood by her father’s storytelling, in college by her choir director’s leadership and throughout her life by her family, Rabbi Axe is well travelled, well read, and in touch with her community both near and far. Rabbi Axe is a quintessential outside the box thinker.  She is driven by excellence and creativity. The most important part of this story is that we were brought together by what Rabbi Axe calls “divine choreography” – her spiritual concept of connecting the dots and Geoffrey is honored to call her his aunt. Mentions: When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold S. Kushner Rabbi Emerita of Congregation Shir Ami, CT Connect with Rabbi Vicki Axe: Facebook Connect with nine dots: E-mail Geoffrey nine dots Media Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Faceboo

  • S3E9: Kaila Mullady | One-woman champion band


    In this episode we talk with the multi-instrumentalist, one woman band, artist, educator and World Beatbox Champion Kaila Mullady.  From street performing and making friends in NYC, Kaila has risen to championship status with her beatrhyme and rapping to be a role model for young creatives across the country. Kaila’s travels have taken her all over the country to perform, teach and speak to promote expression and leadership through her music.  An integral part of her work as an artist is education and language development, which have led to working with speech therapists to designing and creating tools used to help build confidence and language skills in people of all ages. Kaila continues to promote the message that fInding the power of your voice helps people stand up for what they believe in to create better leadership skills.  She is passionate about the work she does in helping people build confidence using their voice, improving listening and speaking up.  Enjoy Kaila’s story… CONNECT WITH KAILA

  • S3E8: Sachi Cunningham | Big Waves


    In this episode we talk with the award-winning documentary filmmaker, Professor of Multimedia Journalism and Big Wave Surf Photographer, Sachi Cunningham.   Sachi developed a love of the water at a young age and from competitive swimming and lifeguarding.  Her ambition and passion for the ocean have become an integral part of her storytelling.  Her body of work has covered international political stories, the arts, disability and the ocean environment.     As a bi-racial female, Sachi is passionate and experienced about speaking up for women whether it is equal pay, voicing ideas or chasing desire.  Sachi’s experience in student councils over the years has given her the confidence to speak up and out about the changes she wants to see in the world.   Sachi’s background in film making together with her love of art has taken her on a worldwide journey that has helped hone her unique voice to capture the stories of people far and wide.  Sachi continues to break barriers for women surfers with her coverage and co

  • S3E7: Tracy Lee Stum | Imaginary Narrative

    19/08/2020 Duración: 40min

    In this episode we talk with the gifted and very talented street artist Tracy Lee Stum.  Her globally immersive experiences in 3D street painting, 3D murals and anamorphic installations attract viewers all over the world.   Born with crayons in her hand and the ability to tell incredible visual stories, Tracy was always drawn to a career as an artist.  Inspired by the stories her mother would tell that unlocked her imagination, she describes her childhood filled with journeys into the imagination. After a career in visual merchandising crafting vignettes for retailers, Tracy discovered chalk sidewalk drawing at a festival in CA and was hooked. The ability to travel internationally was a bonus to come out of this experience of making artwork, and meeting and working with local artists in other countries connected her to the world.  We hear how Tracy’s ephemeral and precious artwork invites viewers to step into her world, and connects her with the ideas, thoughts and opinions of her viewers.  Her interactive 3D

  • S3E6: Lu Ann Cahn | A great story is better than sex.


    In this episode we talk with Emmy-Award winning veteran journalist, speaker and author, Lu Ann Cahn.  Storytelling has played a major role in Lu Ann’s career, but it is the combination of grit, persistence and hard work along with her natural talent that has contributed to her successes. Initially attracted by the excitement of being a TV news reporter, Lu Ann decided to pursue a career in journalism.  Her instinct for great storytelling and understanding what makes a compelling and factually based story is what has steered her through four decades of newscasting.  We hear how storytelling in the news has evolved over the years and where it could be headed. We also hear how Lu Ann challenged herself to turn the No’s in her life into Yes’s, with her year long challenge of ‘I Dare’ to ‘Do the New’- on a journey to becoming ‘unstuck’ and rewarding herself with new experiences and a new perspective on life.   Lu Ann’s personal story has changed over the years, but her sensibilities and humor has remained constant

  • S3E5: Melinda Emerson | SmallBizLady

    05/08/2020 Duración: 45min

    In this episode we talk with the SmallBizLady, Melinda Emerson.  Melinda is a small business expert, author, speaker, blogger and content creator (among many other things). From an early age, Melinda knew she wanted to be a journalist.  After she earned her undergraduate degree in journalism and worked in television production, Melinda took many opportunities that helped her evolve into the SmallBizLady she is today.   We discuss how knowing your customer, and loyalty in a constantly changing economic landscape is important more than ever, for the survival of small businesses today.   Melinda’s energy and enthusiasm for helping small businesses succeed is infectious and her understanding of the nature of small business development in times of change are something we can all learn from. CONNECT WITH MELINDA America’s #1 Small Business Expert   Twitter E-mail Melinda Podcast Instagram LinkedIn CONNECT WITH NINE DOTS E-mail Geoffrey nine dots Media Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Facebook

  • S3E4: Dr. Joy Wolfram | Think Small: Reshaping the Story


    In this episode we talk with Dr Joy Wolfram, an esteemed and pioneering nanoscientist of the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL. From butterfly flight to tiny fire engines inside the human body, we hear how Dr. Wolfram was inspired by her experience as a young scientist exploring the differences between butterflies and their flight time, to developing new strategies for the treatment of cancer. The amazing analogies in her storytelling enable us to understand the complex and skilled laboratory work that is revolutionising the design and treatment of multifunctional and targeted therapies of cancer through nanoscience.   We learn how the trait of a successful scientist relies on presentation of information and data in a compelling manner. Connecting the dots of scientific knowledge is important to make sense and capture the attention of the audience.  Remembering information and allowing data to tell the story, while being flexible and able to adapt the narrative in an ever changing world of scientific data is im

  • S3E3: Nancy Volpe Beringer | Creativity Is My Oxygen


    In this episode we talk with Philadelphia based fashion designer Nancy Volpe Beringer.  Raised in a traditional family environment and working hard from a young age, Nancy pivoted her career at age 59- when she was at the top of her game.  Discovering she needed to be creative to breathe, she assessed how happy she was and asked herself ‘If i was young again, what would I like to study?’ With the launch of Project Runway in 2004, Nancy found herself reigniting her passion for fashion design and garment construction.  Motivated by her love of learning and not being afraid, she began a new career path and found herself on a journey to becoming the influential inclusive and adaptable designer she is known to be today.  She is well known for her adaptable, wearable art- and the hard work and joy she radiates with her work ethic and unique vision.  This focus and determination, led her to being a finalist on the latest season of Project Runway!  Nancy inspires others with her infectious kindness and lives her best

  • S3E2: Anne Geddes | Telling the Story of New Life

    15/07/2020 Duración: 48min

    In this episode we talk with internationally renowned and New York Times best selling author- infant photographer, Anne Geddes.  Anne’s life began on a cattle ranch in Queensland, Australia and her sense of adventure took her around the world.  She currently resides in New York. Anne was a late bloomer into the photography world, and has spent the last few decades honing her unique voice capturing the pure joy, vulnerability and innocence of babies.  Her stills capture the story of new life, injecting personality and the simplicity of a fleeting moment in time.  Anne’s work has garnered her a place in the International Photography Hall of Fame- an honor she was bestowed for her compassion and life’s work. Anne is an Ambassador (volunteer) for the March of Dimes charity, as well as a Global Advocate for Shot@Life, a United Nation’s Foundation campaign which aims to provide access to basic life-saving immunizations to children in the developing world.  Anne continues to tell her unique story through the art of

  • S3E1: Judith Moritz | Educate. Entertain. Explain.


    In this episode we talk with Judith Moritz, a broadcast journalist based in Manchester, England.  Judith is a North of England Correspondent for the BBC- one of the world’s top impartial news organizations. We learn about how the story behind the pictures we see on the TV news differs from scripted TV and radio. We gain insight into the ways in which TV news has evolved over the years and the ways that the news is impacted by technology and external circumstances in an ever changing world. We hear how Judith’s many years of training and experience in broadcast journalism have given her the ambition and determination to provide world class storytelling in investigative and newsworthy events.  After 20 years of producing and communicating human stories, Judith is on top of her game both behind and in front of the camera. CONNECT WITH JUDITH British Broadcasting Corporation Judith on Twitter Connect with Geoffrey: E-mail Geoffrey Geoffrey Klein nine dots Media Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Facebook Youtube Ple

  • S2E9: Chris Heck | Fun and Impactful


    About This Episode: This episode we chat with Chris Heck, President of the Philadelphia 76ers basketball organization.   Chris expresses his view on the power of story and the need to integrate it into the brand.  “Brand is a representation of a bigger story.” Chris shares his views on how we need to capture people’s attention and ensure the stories we tell are relatable and authentic The Sixers are much more than a sports team – as an innovative brand that gives back, they’ve raised over $1M for their youth foundation and every employee commits 76 hours to volunteer a year.  The Sixers story continues to evolve as it embraces the legacy of its past with the promise of its future – and the future is now! While Chris admits the Sixers are a cool brand and working in the organization is fun – the real story is about the impact they are making in their city and their community. Mentions: Sixers Sixers Youth Foundation Gala Connect with Chris Heck: Twitter Connect with nine dots: E-mail Geoffre

  • S2E8: Jen Groover | One-Woman Brand


    About This Episode: This week we talk with Jen Groover, successful serial entrepreneur, author and thought leader in human potential. Learn about how Jen developed her entrepreneurial mind and spirit. We talk about how important it is to connect the dots and invite people into your story to walk alongside you throughout your journey. Jen shares the importance of emotional connection and how it can be used to surpass the competition by telling stories that connect you with your audience. As a successful serial entrepreneur, performance coach and retired National Level Fitness Competitor, Jen Groover has been a highly sought after speaker and trainer for over 20 years. Jen has been a top business and lifestyle contributor and content creator for major television networks such as ABC, CBS, CNBC, NBC, MSNBC, Fox News, Fox Business News, and the The CW.  Jen also contributes editorial pieces to several prominent business magazines and online resources including The Huffington Post, Entrepreneur Magazine, and The W

  • S2E7: Jim Rutenberg | Absolute Truth


    About This Episode: This week we talk with Jim Rutenberg, Media Columnist and former political correspondent for the New York Times. We learn how at its core, investigative journalism is about connecting the dots.  We hear about how the dots connect evidence to reveal the truth. Jim shares views about the recent headline story of Michael Cohen and the hush money paid to two women on behalf of a very public figure.  As Jim points out, just as story can build you up, the unravelling of a story can bring you down… More importantly we discuss the skills and attributes including interest and excitement, curiosity, passion, care and authenticity- that make for good storytelling.   Can anyone tell a good story?  We believe so. Mentions: New York Times Connect with Jim Rutenberg: Twitter Connect with nine dots: E-mail Geoffrey nine dots Media Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Facebook Please let us know what you think!  Share and comment.

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