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S4E7 Steven Goodman | It’s A Wonderful Life



About This Episode: In this week’s podcast we talk with entrepreneur extraordinaire Steven Goodman. After he left school at only age 15, Steven experimented with several businesses from his late teenage years from manufacturing, to selling kitchens, to running a Kosher style deli, to selling jewelry and textiles, running a restaurant, selling insurance policies and even working as a traveling salesman of greeting cards and adult toys.  He finally settled in the real estate market, where he has been able to share his enthusiasm for talking, reading people, and sharing his infectious positivity. Doing what he loves has always inspired Steven, as has his attention to details about the things that interest him most. Whether he is looking for the angle, flying by the seat of his pants or waiting for the feeling in his waters, Steven’s instinct has powered him forward where he has enjoyed his work and life so much that he finds it difficult to slow down. No matter how much money one has, happiness is not something