Connect The Dots

S4E2: Mike Jackson | Shine A Light



About This Episode: In this week’s podcast, we hang out with the one of Geoffrey’s closest friends, Mike Jackson, an award-winning producer as  a partner at Get Lifted Film Co. We hear about his exciting journey beginning with his professional nomadic roots that eventually lead him to Hollywood and into his current roles – father, family man, and film, tv and theater producer. From a young boy inspired by his father’s creative storytelling, Jackson was encouraged to tell tall tales and create moments out of any situation – traits that have served him well in his career. Jackson specializes in producing content that creates awareness and highlights the stories of diverse people, protecting and rehabilitating culture in the entertainment industry. His continuing award-winning body of work shares impactful, multicultural stories that connect with an equally diverse audience.  Mentions: Jingle Jangle 40 Years a Prisoner Giving Voice Connect with Mike Jackson: Instagram Connect with nine dots: